Monday, July 16, 2012

Microsoft Designs New Office for the Cloud

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer introduced the next version of Office saying that the suite has been completely-re-designed for the cloud and social interaction.Specifically, the new Office is available as a cloud-based subscription service. Office saves documents to SkyDrive by default, so content is always available across the user's tablet, PC and phone. As subscribers, consumers automatically get future upgrades in addition to cloud services including...

NTT DOCOMO Collaborates with China’s Baidu

NTT DOCOMO has invested US$22.5 million -- equivalent to 20 percent ownership -- in Baidu Yi Xin Network Technology, its joint venture with the Chinese language Internet search provider.The companies will jointly provide value-added services and digital content for mobile phones in mainland China. Baidu Yi Xin is the content platform provider for mobile phones.Starting in August, Baidu Yi Xin plans to provide content from Japan on its platform. This...

euNetworks Activates London-Dublin Capacity with Sea Fibre Networks

euNetworks has activated an 8.8 Tbps capable fibre based network from London to Dublin, completing the meshing of the carrier's 13 operational fibre based city networks into a single optical domain.euNetworks has developed an end-to-end fully redundant and owned network. Connecting Dublin into a national network across the United Kingdom including Manchester, Birmingham and Bristol and onwards to London, this network has been designed with the...

Australia's NBN Sets FTTH Target for Towns with 1,000 Premises or More

NBN Co, which is building Australia’s national broadband network, lowered its target for areas that will receive FTTH rather than high-speed fixed wireless broadband.NBN Co said it plans to install fibre in towns of 1,000 premises or more, or to some towns with as few as 500 premises where the town is located on an NBN fibre transit link. Previously, it was expected that fibre would be deployed in towns with a population of 1,000 or more (not premises).The...

Infonetics: Mobile Services to Hit $976 Billion by 2016

Infonetics Research is predicting that the mobile services market worldwide will grow to $976 billion by 2016, with the bulk of the growth coming from mobile broadband services. The firm's latest 2G, 3G, 4G (LTE) Services and Subscribers: Voice, SMS/MMS, and Broadband report, which tracks operator subscribers and revenue derived from pre-paid and post-paid mobile broadband data, voice, and messaging services, finds that mobile broadband subscribers...

Raytheon Develops MORPHINATOR Network Technology

The U.S. Army's Communications, Electronics, Research, Development and Engineering Center (CERDEC) has awarded a $3.1 million contract to Raytheon to develop technology for Morphing Network Assets to Restrict Adversarial Reconnaissance (MORPHINATOR). The aim is to dynamically modifying aspects and configurations of networks, hosts and applications in a manner that is undetectable and unpredictable by an adversary but still manageable for network...

Malaysian Operators Agree to LTE Infrastructure Sharing

Maxis , Malaysia's leading integrated communications service provider, and REDtone, a broadband service provider, signed an infrastructure and spectrum sharing agreement. The deal paves the way to faster LTE roll out across Malaysia. Both Maxis and REDtone are looking to launch their 4G LTE services early next year in selected areas of the Klang Valley, with other regions to follow closely thereafter. Maxis Chief Executive Officer, Sandip Das...