The Software Defined Radio (SDR) Forum has created a Design Process and Tools Working Group to help improve productivity and quality in the continued development of SDR technology. The Working Group will leverage the expertise of Forum and industry leaders to develop best practices for the design flows and tools used in creating systems, software, waveforms, and components.
The Working Group's initial efforts will involve design flow processes that target specific development scenarios in the commercial, civil and defense sectors. It will also focus on the identification of classes of tools necessary to support the development stages associated with these design flows and the features required in these development tools, including the required interoperability between tools.
The Design Process and Tools Working Group is open to participants from a wide variety of technical and market disciplines, such as: waveform developers, component developers, platform vendors, and design tool vendors. The current list of participants includes representatives from Spectrum Signal Processing, Harris Corporation, AccelChip, The MathWorks, Synplicity, Zeligsoft, and Xilinx.