Wednesday, February 28, 2024

#MWC24: The Pivotal Year for Network APIs

 Check out complete MWC Barcelona 2024 Showcase at: so many years of development, will 2024 be the pivotal for Network APIs? Usman Javaid, Chief Products & Marketing Officer from Orange Business explains:- The mobile industry has come together for the first time to establish a common set of standards for Network APIs, ensuring a consistent experience for developers across different mobile network operators globally.-...

#MWC24: Making Every Connection Count with AI

Check out complete MWC Barcelona 2024 Showcase at: AI's greatest near term potential for Service Providers is improving network operations. Sally Bament, GVP of Marketing from Juniper, explains: How Juniper's AI-native networking platform is designed to collect the right data from network users and devices, action real-time responses to network issues, and ensure a secure infrastructure.The benefits of AI automation...

#MWC24: Next Gen Networks for AI

Underlying every powerful AI implementation is a powerful network.  At the heart of every networking is a switching/routing architecture. Sanjay Kumar, VP of Products and Marketing from Arrcus, explains:- The world of AI is going to be distributed with workloads and workflows across the entire network. To access these seamlessly, Arrcus has introduced a platform that acts as a network fabric, connecting all these different AI pieces and delivering...

Ericsson refreshes is radio portfolio at MWC

Ericsson is rolling out extensive updates to its radio, transport and antenna portfolio, including its flagship AIR 3255, a Massive MIMO time division duplex (TDD) radio boasting more than 25 percent energy savings and 20 percent lower embodied carbon footprint compared to the previous generation radio.The new AIR 3255 is equipped with new small metal filter technology that is scalable to all TDD sub-6GHz frequency bands to incentivize 5G mid-band...

Open XR Optics Forum releases 400G MSA specs

The Open XR Optics Forum released its first Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) specifications for 400G transceivers.  The specifications were developed by the Forum's transceiver working group, which includes representatives from 11 member companies. The goal of these specifications is to define standards that ensure interoperability among products from different vendors and support multi-sourcing of compliant coherent transceiver modules.The release...

O2 Telefónica begins first Cloud RAN in Europe with Ericsson

O2 Telefónica will begin deploying Ericsson Cloud RAN, supporting 5G Standalone (SA), in Offenbach, Germany during the first half of this year. The joint initiative will leverage Ericsson's virtualization and cloud technologies, enabling a new range of services and enhanced customer experiences for the European market. The inclusion of cloud-centralized components will also enable the exploration of new business models and revenue generation...

ServiceNow, Hugging Face, and NVIDIA offer open-access LLMs

 ServiceNow, Hugging Face, and NVIDIA recently announced the launch of StarCoder2, a new set of open-access large language models (LLMs) focused on code generation. This collaboration between the companies aims to offer models that are not only high-performing but also transparent and cost-effective. StarCoder2 is a product of the BigCode community's efforts, with ServiceNow, a company specializing in digital workflows, and Hugging Face, a platform...

Keysight intros test platform for AI/L networks

Keysight Technologies introduced a test platform for AI / ML network validation and optimization.Highlights of the Keysight AI Data Center Test Platform:Emulates high-scale AI workloads with measurable fidelity – Offers deep insights into collective communication performanceSimplifies the benchmarking process – Provides validation of AI network fabric withpre-packaged benchmark applications, built through partnerships with the largest AI operators...

Zayo appoints Nikos Katinakis as CTO

Zayo Group has appointed Nikos Katinakis as Chief Technology Officer. Katinakis brings network leadership experience from Telstra, Australia’s largest mobile network, Indian pioneer Reliance Jio, Canadian telecommunications giant Rogers, and infrastructure provider Ericsson.“Next-generation technology is being deployed faster than ever before. To meet increasing capacity demands, it’s critical to take an enhanced approach to innovation in the...