Here is the list (in rank order based on port share) : Orange Business (France), BT Global Services (U.K.), Verizon (U.S.), Colt (U.K.), AT&T (U.S.), Level 3 (U.S.) and NTT (Japan).
The next or Challenge Tier for Global Providers includes companies with between 2% and 4% share of this defined market. Seven companies achieved a position in the Mid-2014 Global Provider Challenge Tier as follows (Note – in alphabetical order) : Cogent (U.S.), Reliance Globalcom (India), SingTel (Singapore), Tata Communications (India), Telefonica Worldwide (Spain), T-Systems (Germany) and Vodafone (U.K.).
“The integration of Ethernet into MPLS network infrastructures is generating revenue opportunities for global carriers, driven by customer demand for higher bandwidth connectivity,” said Rick Malone, principal at Vertical Systems Group. “More than half of new global IP VPN connections are being delivered over Ethernet.”