Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Open XR Forum MSA gets underway

A new Open XR Forum has been established to advance the development of XR optics-enabled products and services, accelerate the adoption of coherent point-to-multipoint network architectures, and drive standardization of networking interfaces to ensure ease of multi-vendor interoperability and an open, multi-source solution ecosystem.The Open XR Forum will function as a multi-source agreement (MSA) working group for XR optics, the industry’s first...

ADVA's CoreChannel transmits 800G over 1,600-km

ADVA introduced its CoreChannel technology with the power to transmit 800 Gbps over more than 1,600 km using 140GBd sub-carrier technology, representing an improvement in reach of over 50% compared with 95GBd technologies.ADVA says the new CoreChannel sled for FSP 3000 TeraFlex platform is now being trialed by major carriers and R&E network operators. Compatible with deployed infrastructure, the new solution delivers industry-leading SNR requirements...

Ayar Labs demos terabit link for Co-Packaged Optics and chip-to-chip

Ayar Labs demonstrated the industry’s first Terabit per second Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) optical link with its TeraPHY optical I/O chiplet and SuperNova multi-wavelength optical source. The demonstration shows a fully functional TeraPHY chiplet with 8 optical ports running error free without Forward Error Correction (FEC) for a total bandwidth of 1.024 Tbps and at less than 5 pJ/bit energy efficiency. “This is yet another industry...

CW-WDM MSA releases Multi-Wavelength Optical Laser Sources spec

The CW-WDM MSA (Continuous-Wave Wavelength Division Multiplexing Multi-Source Agreement) Group released its first official specification for 8, 16, and 32 wavelength optical sources.The Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) defines laser sources covering three spans in the O-band wavelength grids. These lasers can be used as optical sources for multiple applications such as high- density co-packaged optics, machine learning, and optical computing. Each wavelength...

Marvell intros Atlas 50Gbps PAM4 DSP chipset

Marvell announced its Atlas 50Gbps PAM4 DSP chipset which integrates transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs) and laser drivers in the CMOS package.The integration of the new Atlas chipset, which is based on Marvell’s Polaris 50G PAM4 DSP family,  reduces supply chain complexity and power consumption by up to 25%. Atlas is also the industry’s first PAM4 DSP available to wire bond directly with lasers and photodiodes, further simplifying the assembly...

Infinera’s ICE6 selected for PEACE submarine cable system

Infinera's ICE6 optical engine solution will be deployed on the Mediterranean Segment of the Pakistan & East Africa Connecting Europe (PEACE) submarine cable system. Infinera said it was selected following extensive technology evaluation and application analysis of its ICE6 solution, including its combination of ultra-high baud rates and an advanced modulation technique known as long-codeword probabilistic constellation shaping. Both capabilities...

Fastly's global CDN suffers configuration error

 Fastly, which operates a global content delivery network, experienced service configuration issue that triggered disruptions across its POPs worldwide. Service disruptions continued for about three hours, impacting traffic from top websites such as CNN, NYTimes, Amazon, Reddit, and others.According to the company's website, the incident affected: Asia/Pacific (Auckland (AKL), Brisbane (BNE), Dubai (FJR), Hong Kong (HKG), Melbourne (MEL), Osaka...

MACOM intros two-chip analog solution for 200G and 400G

MACOM announced the availability of its two-chip analog solution for 200G and 400G short reach modules (QSFP, OSFP, QSFP-DD) and Active Optical Cable (AOC) applications in the Data Center. The chipset delivers better than IEEE standard specified bit error rate (BER) performance and is compliant with Open Eye MSA eye mask specifications.The chipset consists of two integrated combo devices:MATA-38044, a 4x56Gbps PAM-4 CDR and TIAMALD-38045, a 4x56Gbps...

ADVA supplies FSP 3000 open line system for TIP's proof-of-concept

ADVA supplied its FSP 3000 open line system (OLS) and Ensemble Controller network management and SDN domain controller system for a Telecom Infra Project (TIP) open optical networking proof of concept (PoC) at this week's virtual OFC.The PoC showed how multi-vendor network components can be managed by a unified software-defined networking (SDN) control system. Specifically designed for easy interoperability, ADVA’s FSP 3000 OLS and Ensemble Controller...