Friday, October 11, 2013

Huawei Selected for Vivo's Trans-Amazon WDM Network

Huawei and Vivo, the largest telecommunications company in Brazil, jointly announced their successful deployment of the first wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) lines crossing the Amazon River and the Amazon rainforest. The network connects two Brazilian state capitals: Amazonas' capital Manaus and Pará's capital Belém. The WDM lines are 2100 kilometers connecting over 20 cities in the Amazon rainforest including five super-long spans (200...

Ken Klein Steps Down as President of Wind River

Ken Klein resigned as President of Wind River, the Intel subsidiary that develops embedded software for intelligent connected systems. The company appointed chief operating officer (COO) Barry Mainz as his successor as president. Mr. Klein will continue as a non-employee member of the Board. Intel Corporation president and Wind River chairman Renée James, commented, "Ken Klein’s legacy at Wind River and contributions to the embedded industry...