Thursday, October 21, 2004

Mpower to Acquire ICG's California Customers, Network

Mpower Communications will acquire ICG Communications' network assets and customers in California for $13.5 million in stock. The deal includes ICG's California retail and wholesale customers; a 1,412 route mile state-wide self-healing DWDM and SONET-based fiber ring connecting San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Stockton, Fresno, Bakersfield, San Diego, Anaheim and Los Angeles; 915 route miles of fully-survivable metropolitan SONET-based fiber rings in San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Diego and Los Angeles which connect...

ADC to Sell Metrica Service Assurance Software Platform

ADC will sell its Metrica service assurance software group to WatchMark Corp. for $35 million in cash and 3.2 million shares of WatchMark common stock, which represents less than five percent ownership of WatchMark. The Metrica service assurance software group, which has about 250 employees, provides solutions to help service providers improve service quality, lower operational costs and optimize network usage and capacity. The applications include Metrica Performance Manager, which provides a complete view of network quality and usage; Metrica...

Siemens Invests in Chinese start-up Zero Global

Siemens Mobile Acceleration has made an equity investment in Zero Global,a Shanghai-based start-up that specializes in mobile enterprise software. Zero Global is developint technology that enables sales force, marketers and service groups to access Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) as well as Customer Relationship Management systems (CRM) while on the road. Siemens Mobile Acceleration is the only investor in the first round of funding. http://www.siemensmobileacceleration....

Xten Surpasses 500,000 Softphone

Xten Networks has surpassed the 500,000 installation milestone for its SIP Softphone client. The company also announced the release of a new eyeBeam SIP softphone for MAC OS Xhttp://www.xten....

First HyperTransport 2.0 Products Enter Market

The first wave of HyperTransport Specification 2.0 compliant devices have started to enter the market, eight months after the specification was released. HyperTransport Specification 2.0 is a chip-to-chip interconnect technology offering performance levels of up to 2.8 Gigatransfers/second and mapping to PCI Express. Products conforming to HyperTransport Specification 2.0 support up to 22.4 Gigabytes/second aggregate bandwidth. The new products include HyperTransport-enabled 64-bit processors, I/O chipsets, silicon IP, and development tools. ...

Nextel Adds 550,000 Subscribers in Q3, ARPU at $69

Nextel Communications ended Q3 with approximately 15.3 million total subscribers including 14.5 million Nextel subscribers and 800,000 Boost Mobile subscribers. During the quarter, Nextel added 550,000 new subscribers, average revenue per user (ARPU) was $69 and customer satisfaction improved as churn was reduced to 1.5%. In addition, Boost Mobile added 195,000 subscribers during the third quarter. Nextel reported Q3 revenue of $3.40 billion, up 18% from last year's third-quarter revenue. Operating income before depreciation and amortization...

HomeNet Selects NetCentrex VoIP for iProvo

HomeNet Communications, a full-service Triple Play Provider, selected the NetCentrex platform to deliver VoIP services to HomeNet's iProvo subscribers. iProvo is an open, municipally-owned fiber to the home (FTTH) initiative in Provo, Utah. HomeNet Communications was selected as iProvo's first service provider. After the initial iProvo win, HomeNet Communications and NetCentrex anticipate expanding to other broadband markets by hosting telephony services for additional FTTH markets. http://www.netcentrex....