Wednesday, August 26, 2009

NTIA Receives 2,200 Applications for Broadband Stimulus Funding

The U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service (RUS) received almost 2,200 applications requesting nearly $28 billion in funding for proposed broadband projects in all 50 U.S. states, U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. This is the first round of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding aimed at expanding broadband access and adoption to help bridge the technological divide and create jobs building Internet infrastructure, with $4 billion available...

Nokia Appoints Alberto Torres to Head New Soluions Business

Nokia has appointed Alberto Torres, currently head of Devices Category Management has been appointed to head its new Solutions Unit. Torres will also become a member of the Group Executive Board as of October 1, 2009. Alberto Torres joined Nokia in 2004. Prior to his current position as Head of Devices Category Management, he held a number of senior positions in for example corporate strategy and Vertu devices. The Solutions unit will drive Nokia's...

Occam Supplies GigE and GPON FTTP for Farmers Telephone Cooperative

South Carolina's Farmers Telephone Cooperative (FTC), who previously selected and deployed Occam Networks' BLC 6000 products to build out its advanced broadband network, is now using the latest GigE and GPON FTTP options to deliver IPTV to its deepest rural and highest density service areas. Since FTC's deployment and installation of Occam's BLC 6000 System, FTC has successfully served over 3,500 video subscribers with MPEG4-based Triple Play services including IPTV, while upgrading the company's 450 remote cabinets using Occam retrofit kits. FTC...

Nortel and LG Complete First Handover Between CDMA and LTE

Nortel and LG Electronics completed the first 3GPP standards compliant active handover of a data transmission between a LTE network and a CDMA network. The demonstration showed that online activities like video downloads, web surfing, and VoIP calls can be maintained when a mobile data user moves between LTE and CDMA coverage zones. The test by Nortel and LG Electronics successfully demonstrates standards-compliant CDMA-LTE interworking. This enables...

J.D. Power Ranks U.S. Mobile Operators for Call Quality

J.D. Power and Associates' 2009 Wireless Call Quality Performance Study ranked Verizon Wireless as the best for the "Highest Call Quality Performance Among Wireless Cell Phone Users" in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast and Southwest regions. In a tie, Verizon Wireless, Alltel and T-Mobile rank highest in the West region. T-Mobile performs particularly well in reducing the number of problems with echoes and distortion, while Alltel performs particularly well in limiting the number of problems associated with late or failed messages. In the...

Taiwan's Chunghwa Telecom Sees Revenue Drop in 1H09, FTTx Replacing ADSL

During the first six months of 2009, Chunghwa Telecom's consolidated revenue decreased by 3.7% to NT$97.2 billion, of which 27.3% was from fixed-line services, 36.3%was from mobile services, 25.4% was from Internet and data services, and the remainder was mainly from handset sales from Chunghwa's subsidiary SENAO on a consolidated basis. Chunghwa Telecom blamed the deteriorating economic environment and market competition for the revenue decline,...

Verizon Tests Online Platform for Streaming FiOS TV to Laptops

Verizon has joined the "TV Everywhere" initiative and has launched a trial to bring television programming online to its FiOS TV subscribers. Verizon's trial includes content from Time Warner's Turner networks, TNT and TBS, and will soon include content from other providers. Trial participants will be able to watch the programs on their personal computers or laptops -- at home or away -- using any broadband connection. Using their Verizon Online user names and passwords, participating FiOS TV customers will be able to access the online programming...

Time Warner Cable Launches “TV Everywhere�? over Broadband

Time Warner Cable is working with numerous networks and network groups to provide its customers greater online access to high-quality programming. In upcoming trials of TV Everywhere, Time Warner Cable customers who subscribe to a video package containing the networks will have online access, at no additional charge, to a wide variety of content from participating programmers. They include TBS, TNT, HBO, CBS, Syfy, BBC America, AMC, WE tv, IFC, Sundance Channel, Discovery Communications and Smithsonian Channel. The company described "TV Everywhere"...

Marvell launches 802.1 AVB for Multimedia Content Over Ethernet

Marvell introduced a suite of products for networking multichannel audio/video (A/V) over standardized Ethernet using the IEEE 802.1 A/V Bridging (AVB) standards.This product portfolio includes Marvell's Link Street Gigabit Ethernet Switches, Gigabit Ethernet Network Interface Controller (NIC), and Kirkwood SoC featuring its Sheeva CPU technology. The Marvell AVB product suite is designed to allow seamless delivery of time-sensitive multimedia traffic for both consumer and professional A/V applications on an Ethernet network."We are thrilled to...

Marvell Posts Q2 Revenue of $640.6 Million, up 23%

Marvell Technology Group reported Q2 revenue of $640.6 million, a 23 percent sequential increase from $521.4 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2010, ended May 2, 2009 and a 24 percent decrease from $842.6 million in the second quarter of fiscal 2009, ended August 2, 2008. GAAP net income was $58.5 million, or $0.09 per share (diluted), for the second quarter of fiscal 2010, as compared to a GAAP net loss of $111.5 million, or $0.18 per share (diluted), for the first quarter of fiscal 2010. "We are pleased with the results reported for the...

FCC Seeks Comments on New Consumer Protections

The FCC is seeking public and industry comment on how best to ensure that consumers have the information they need to make informed decisions in the communications marketplace.While the FCC's approach to information disclosure issues has traditionally focused on the formatting of consumer bills, the FCC is now considering what information should be available to consumers at each stage of the purchasing process: (1) choosing a provider, (2) choosing...

FCC Launches Mobile Wireless Competition Inquiry

The FCC has launched an inquiry that seeks to enhance its analysis of competitive conditions in the mobile wireless market. The FCC noted that we are now in the midst of a transition from reliance on mobile voice services to increasing use of and reliance on mobile broadband services. A robustly competitive mobile wireless market will be essential to realizing the full benefits to American consumers and channeling investment into vitally important national infrastructure. The FCC said that it is seeking to ensure that competition in the mobile...

FCC Launches Wireless Innovation Inquiry

The FCC launched an inquiry that seeks to identify concrete steps to support and encourage further innovation and investment in thewireless marketplace. This inquiry also seeks to better understand the factors that encourage innovation and investment throughout this area.In particular, the inquiry focuses on spectrum availability and use, wireless networks, devices, applications, and business practices. It also seeks comment on how the public has used wireless services and technology to solve real-world problems in areas such as health care, energy,...