Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Telecom Italia's Franco Bernabe Elected as Chairman of GSMA

The GSMA has elected Franco Bernabe, CEO of Telecom Italia, as its new Chairman for a two-year term, from January 2011 through December 2012. Jon Fredrik Baksaas, President and CEO, Telenor Group, was elected as Deputy Chairman. Rob Conway continues as CEO of GSMA.In addition, 22 other people were elected to the GSMA Board.http://www.gsmworld....

BT and Saudi Telecom Link MPLS Networks

Saudi Telecom Company (STC) and BT announced an interconnection of their MPLS networks. BT has established a local MPLS Point of Presence (PoP) in Saudi Arabia to be operated by STC in conjunction with its own national and regional MPLS network.http://www.btplc....

MetroPCS Launches LTE in Boston, NYC and Sac

MetroPCS Communications has expanded its LTE network to the Boston, New York City and Sacramento metropolitan areas. MetroPCS LTE plans start at $55 per month including taxes and regulatory fees. Initially, METROPCS is providing Samsung Craft LTE handset with unlimited talk, text and enhanced entertainment and web browsing features.MetroPCS' 4G LTE services are now available in nine metropolitan areas, including Dallas-Fort Worth, Detroit, Las Vegas,...

ADTRAN Intros Unified Threat Management Platforms

ADTRAN introduced its NetVanta 2000 Series of Unified Threat Management (UTM) solutions. The NetVanta 2000 Series includes four security appliances, each with one year of Continuous Threat Protection, SSL and IPSec VPN clients, anti-virus and anti-spyware clients, and all managed under a centralized global management system. The gateways provide real-time protection against viruses, spyware, intrusions, software vulnerabilities and other malicious...

Solarflare Releases SFP+ Transceiver Module

Solarflare announced availability of a new SFP+ 10GBASE-SR optical transceiver module. The new low-power module supports multiple types of optical fiber, including OM1, OM2 and OM3 multi-mode fiber, with standard LC connectors, and can drive OM3 fiber up to 300 meters to support cluster, data center and enterprise networking applications. Solarflare's SFP+ transceiver ensures its 10GbE server adapters deliver high-performance, low-latency, low-power...

Ericsson Wins 7-year Managed Services Contract with 3Italia

3 Italia awarded a seven-year managed services contract to Ericsson to modernize its IT infrastructure and systems including hardware and software, IP connectivity, operating systems and storage. The contract covers data center consolidation with hardware modernization, upgrade and consolidation of 3 Italia's software application domains, as well as transformation of operations and business support systems (OSS/BSS), for example systems for billing and customer relationship management. The new agreement builds on the managed services partnership...

EC Approves NSN + Motorola Deal

The European Commission has cleared the acquisition of Motorola Network Business by Nokia Siemens Networks. The deal was found not to significantly impede effective competition in the European Economic Area (EEA) or any substantial part of it. http://www.europa...

Google Hires Milo Medin to Head Fiber Initiative

Google has appointed Milo Medin as Vice President, Access Services. Google also said that it has delayed the selection of its first fiber community. Nearly 1,100 communities across the country have sought to participate in the Google fiber project, and the company said it needs more time to make its selection. A decision is expected early next year.http://googleblog.blogspot.com/In February 2010, Google announced plans to rollout an "experimental"...

Long Term HSPA Evolution Promises 650 Mbps

An initiative is underway to push HSPA to downlink speeds of more than 650 Mbps by 2013.Long Term HSPA Evolution, which is being driven by Nokia Siemens Networks and T-Mobile USA, aims to match the mobile broadband speeds promised by LTE Advanced by leveraging many of the same techniques. Long Term HSPA Evolution features would be backwards compatible and can be used together with existing WCDMA and HSPA mobiles on the same carriers. Key features...

Finland's Elisa Selects NSN for Mobile Upgrade

Elisa, a leading Nordic communications services provider, has selected Nokia Siemens Networks for the first phase of its LTE rollout, 3G expansions and upgrades as well as GSM modernization. As part of the agreement, Nokia Siemens Networks will deploy its Flexi Multiradio Base Stations and high capacity Multicontroller platform in the network. With these common platforms Elisa will significantly cut operational costs for GSM, 3G and LTE. Financial...

Q&A on Long Term HSPA Evolution with Nokia Siemens Networks

Karri Kuoppamaki, Head of Technology; Karri Ranta-aho, Senior Specialist, 3GPP Standardization; and Ajit Kahaduwe, Head of Industry Environments.Converge! -- What is the significance of Long Term HSPA Evolution for the industry? NSN -- This is a pretty significant milestone. We as a company are firm believers in HSPA and that is why we are part of this initiative for driving further enhancements of 3GPP standards and taking HSPA beyond its current capabilities. The target we have in mind is to achieve peak data rates in excess of 650 Mbps in...