Monday, January 6, 2003

P-Com and Telaxis Terminate Merger Agreement

P-Com and Telaxis mutually terminated their planned merger. http://www.p-com.comOn September 10, P-Com and Telaxis agreed to merge in a stock-swap deal that would have combined P-Com's point-to-point, spread spectrum, and point-to-multipoint broadband wireless products with Telaxis' FiberLeap products, which also provide wireless extensions for fiber networks. The combined company was be headquartered in Campbell, California and was expected to have more than 250 employees. Together, P-Com and Telaxis have more than 150,000...

Dell Configures PC for DSL from SBC, Verizon and BellSouth

Dell will begin offering consumers the option of purchasing DSL from SBC, Verizon or BellSouth when they order a new PC. Currently, Dell offers a $50 cash rebate to new customers who order DSL through the program.

Apple Releases 802.11g Access Point

Apple introduced a 54 Mbps AirPort Extreme access point based on the 802.11g draft specification. The base station can serve up to 50 Mac and Windows users simultaneously. Pricing starts at $199.

Linksys Rolls Out Low-Cost Layer 2/3 Switches

Linksys rolled out a new line of full-featured Layer 2 and Layer 3 Ethernet and Gigabit managed switches aimed at small to medium-sized businesses. Pricing starts at $500 for a Layer 3 Management 4-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Switch that provides 8Gbps non-blocking switching performance and supports up to 256 port-based VLANs. http://www.linksys....

Marconi to Offer DeepNine's Wireless Security Solutions

Marconi's wireless business unit will market DeepNines' Sleuth9 Security System, a network attack mitigation and intrusion prevention solution for wireless service providers and infrastructure vendors. DeepNines provides a new front line of defense that prevents DoS, DDoS, Port Scans, Trojan horses, propagating worms and viruses, as well as other cyber attacks. The solution is located in front of the router and evaluates all network traffic at the packet level, both ingress and egress, to determine what is valid and what is malicious. Sleuth9...

WaveSmith Networks Expands Management Team

WaveSmith Networks announced several changes to its management team: Robert O'Neil joins as Vice President of Worldwide Sales. He previously served with Cascade Communications and Aptis Communications/Nortel Networks. Michael Regan joins the company as Vice President of Engineering. He previously served with Octave Communications, Unisphere Networks, Cascade Communications, Cabletron Systems, and was a co-founder of Castle Networks. Gregg Savage joins WaveSmith as Chief Financial Officer. He previously served with Appian Communications, New...

TI and Microsoft Show Real-Time, Broadcast-Quality, Embedded WM9 Encoding

Microsoft and Texas Instruments demonstrated a real-time, broadcast-quality, main profile embedded Windows Media Series 9 video encoding solution on TI's software-programmable 600 MHz digital signal processor (DSP). The WM9 encoding solution delivers real-time, full D1 (720 x 480) resolution at 30 frames-per-second. It could be used in high-end digital media centers for digital media compression, streaming video transmission, and HDD storage. Future plans include support for high-definition Windows Media Series 9 codec technology. http://ww...

Ecuador's ANDINATEL Selects Zhone's Single Line Multi-Service Architecture

The Ecuadorian Telecommunications Service Provider ANDINATEL S.A. has selected Zhone's Single Line Multi-Service architecture to provide a multi-service DSL end-to-end solution. The newly deployed architecture allows ANDINATEL to simultaneously offer high-speed data as well as traditional POTS services over its existing local loop. The implementation will use Zhone's Broadband Access Node next-generation services delivery platform in conjunction with Zhone's Multi-Access Line Concentrator. Financial terms were not disclosed. http://www.andi...

Next Level Supplies TV over DSL for Carolina-based Telcos

Next Level Communications is supplying equipment to three local exchange carriers in South Carolina for delivering digital TV, high-speed Internet and telephone services. The three customers are West Carolina Rural Telephone Coop., Home Telephone Co., and PBT Communications. Next Level said its Full Service Access Platform has now been deployed in more than 135 cities and towns in 38 states. Financial terms were not disclosed. http://www.nlc....

Acterna Delivers 40G Optical Tester to Lucent

Acterna delivered its first ANT-40G advanced network tester to Lucent Technologies' research facility in Nuernberg, Germany. Lucent will be using the portable Acterna ANT-40G during the hardware engineering and system integration phases of its product development and analysis, and to test components. http://www.acterna....

Alcatel IP Core Router Chosen for National Network in Poland

The Poznañ Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) selected the Alcatel 7770 OBX (Optical Broadband Exchange) for its PIONIER 5,000-km network that will connect all academic optical metropolitan area networks in Poland. The Alcatel 7770 OBX will be deployed as the IP backbone of PIONIER, as well as the peering point into the pan-European research network GÉANT, which connects 32 National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Europe. Financial terms were not disclosed. http://www.alcatel.comThe Alcatel 7770 Optical Broadband Exchange...

FatPipe Networks Awarded Router Clustering Patent

FatPipe Networks of Salt Lake City was awarded a third patent for its router clustering technology. The patent covers the principal technology it calls RAIL (Redundant Array of Independent lines), which bonds multiple DS3, T1, DSL, Cable, ISDN and/or wireless connections over private or public wide area networks, resulting in greater bandwidth and redundancy. http://www.fatpipeinc....

IP Infusion Enhances its Routing Suite with IS-ISv6 and CSPF Extensions for IS-ISv4

IP Infusion released version 5.2 of its ZebOS Advanced Routing Suite featuring new support for Intermediate Systems-to-Intermediate-Systems for IPv6 (IS-ISv6), as well as Constraint-based Shortest Path First (CSPF) for IS-ISv4 support. The IPv6 Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-ISv6) Module is based on link-state technology with two levels of hierarchy. It stores information about the state of links and uses that data to select paths. IS-ISv6 forwards packets directly over the underlying link-layer protocols using the Dijkstra algorithm...

Foundry Adds New 100BaseFX Ethernet Interface Modules

Foundry Networks announced new interface modules that provide high density 100 Mbps Ethernet connectivity over multi-mode and single mode optical fiber for its BigIron Layer 3 Switches, FastIron Layer 2/3 Switches, and NetIron Metro Routers. The new interface modules are powered by Foundry's third-generation JetCore ASICs and offer advanced features including Quality of Service (QoS), wire-speed extended Access Control Lists, hardware-based sFlow for wire-speed network monitoring and rich bandwidth management features. Foundry is introducing...

Turin Supplies Ethernet/SONET Transport for Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) has deployed Turin Networks' Traverse optical transport platform for connecting its Internet2 GigaPoP with the Terascale Computing System (TCS) housed at the Westinghouse Electric Company using leased dark fiber. Turin's Traverse Platform provides an Ethernet over SONET/SDH, integrating the functions of a next-generation SONET add-drop multiplexer (ADM) and digital cross-connect system (DCS) with an Ethernet aggregation switch in a single compact shelf. The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is using the...

Electric Lightwave Selects White Rock for OC-192c Carrier to Carrier Service

Electric Lightwave (ELI) has deployed White Rock's OC-192 SONET ADM for OC-192c carrier to carrier service delivery. White Rock's VLX2020 provides SONET performance monitoring, a customer demarcation point and remote provisioning and loopback testing functions. It offers auto-provisioning features and measures two rack units (3.5 inches) in height, about one-fifth the space or less of other vendors' SONET equipment. Financial terms were not disclosed. http://www.whiterock.comIn December 2002, White Rock Networks announce the closing of $42 million...

Microsoft Xbox Live Subscriptions Reach 250,000, Heavy Use Reported

In less than 60 days, Microsoft has sold 250,000 starter kits for its Xbox Live online gaming service, more than double its original sales expectation. Gamers are spending an average of 2.5 hours per day playing online. Microsoft will launch the Xbox Live service in Japan on January 16, followed by a launch in Europe in mid-March.

VocalTec Supplies Additional VoIP Equipment to Deutsche Telekom

VocalTec Communications announced new $6.2 million deal to supply additional VoIP equipment and maintenance services to T-Systems International Carrier Sales and Services (ICSS), a unit of Deutsche Telekom AG. The contract represents the second major expansion of T-Systems ICSS' Jules VoIP Platform and reflects an ongoing commitment to meet increasing market demand for wholesale international services. T-Systems ICSS provides its carrier customers with global coverage, full SS7 interconnectivity and guaranteed network quality and reliability....

India's Data Access Plans Aggressive VoIP Network Expansion

Data Access, Ltd., one of India's leading long distance carriers, plans to purchase $8 million in VocalTec equipment and related services over the next 15 months as part of a major VoIP network expansion. Data Access' planned expansion will support up to 20 million minutes per day, a significant increase from the network's current capacity of four million minutes per day. Data Access has a total of eight switch centers and network operating centers (NOCs) -- five located within India with overseas centers in New York, London, and Hong Kong. The...

SOFTBANK Selects Harmonic for TV over DSL

SOFTBANK Broadmedia Corporation chose a Harmonic digital television headend solution for what is expected to be the world's largest TV over DSL service. Harmonic's DiviCom video compression systems will enable broadcast quality digital TV over DSL to be offered to more than one million Yahoo! BB subscribers. The service, which provides multi-channel broadcast television as well as video-on-demand (VOD), was launched in Tokyo at the end of 2002 and will be extended to other cities in Japan this year. The Harmonic equipment is used primarily for...

IBM and Cisco Team on Storage Networking

IBM and Cisco Systems announced a global agreement for storage networking solutions under which IBM will offer its customers Cisco's MDS 9000 Family products, beginning with the Cisco MDS 9509 Multilayer Director, Cisco MDS 9216 Multilayer Fabric Switch, and associated modules. The alliance pairs IBM's storage systems with Cisco's SAN products. IBM is the first vendor to enter into a reseller agreement for Cisco's new multiprotocol SAN switches.

Verizon Claims Third Largest Market Share in Long Distance Voice

Verizon has passed Sprint to become the third largest long-distance provider in the US behind AT&T and MCI/WorldCom, according to surveys by the Yankee Group and TNS Telecoms. Verizon now has 10 million long distance customers. webcast of Verizon's 07-January-2003 presentation at the Salomon Smith Barney Entertainment, Media and Telecom conference is available online: