Aurora Networks, a start-up based in Santa Clara, California introduced a CWDM Ethernet Access System for the fiber optic portion of existing hybrid fiber/coax (HFC) networks, enabling cable operators to use existing fiber to the node, including fibers already in use for analog video transport, to simultaneously deliver high-speed data to multiple business customers. Aurora said its solution is based on non-proprietary IEEE Ethernet and ITU Wavelength standards and open standard remote monitoring (RMON) and simple network management protocol (SNMP) monitoring and management techniques. This enables full duplex open standard Ethernet services to co-existed with 1310 nm analog video services on the same fibers over coarse WDM. The product set consists of CWDM Media Converters for Fast Ethernet and GbE transport, with 10 different CWDM wavelengths per fiber, as well as a family of indoor and outdoor optical passives, including CWDM multiplexers and demultiplexers, single channel CWDM optical filters and 1310/CWDM optical filters.