Wednesday, January 4, 2017

AT&T Network 3.0 Indigo Envisions Closed Communities fo Data Sharing

AT&T outlined Indigo -- a "Network 3.0" initiative to create a trusted environment where organizations can share data and collaborate on analytics. The announcement, which was made at the annual AT&T Developer Summit in Las Vegas, envisions a more advanced network centered around trust. Trusted identification, network connection, cloud provider and network operator. AT&T Network 3.0 Indigo has three pillars: A new platform to enable...

AT&T Tests Fixed 5G for DIRECTV NOW

AT&T announced its 5G Evolution plans for 2017 and beyond, including the growing possibility that it will offer fixed 5G residential access for video services. Some highlights: AT&T is working with more than a dozen global technology companies around 5G standards efforts 5G lab trials are already achieving speeds up to 14 Gbps over a wireless connection. 5G lab trials have demonstrated less than 3 milliseconds of latency. The industry expectation...

T-Mobile Pushes LTE to Near 1 Gbps with Nokia

T-Mobile pushed LTE speeds to near 1 Gbps in a demonstration using Nokia's deployed 4.5G Pro technology. The demonstration, conducted at T-Mobile's lab in Bellevue, Washington, encompassed technologies currently live in the operator's network, including carrier aggregation, 256 QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) and 4x4 MIMO (Multiple Input and Multiple Output) on Nokia's commercially available radio access hardware. T-Mobile has already launched...