Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CTIA WIRELESS 2012 Show Set for New Orleans on May 8 - 10

The International CTIA WIRELESS 2012 show has been booked for May 8 – 10 in New Orleans, Louisiana. This year's event, which is expected to host 40,000 attendees, is slated for March 22-24, 2011 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. http://www.ctia....

Broadcom Debuts First Dual-Port 10GBASE-T Adapter with Full Offload

Broadcom unveiled the first dual-port 10GBASE-T adapter with full offload capabilities. The PCI Express adapter supports both networking and storage traffic over a single 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) connection. Based on Broadcom's proven BCM57712 MAC and BCM84823 PHY components, the new 10GBASET adapter is the first technology to bring full offload capabilities to 10GbE and the first to integrate TCP/IP and iSCSI offload on a 10GBASE-T medium. Tight integration between the MAC and PHY layers and end-to-end interaction between the server and switch...

Huawei Prevails in IPR Case Against NSN

The District Court for the Northern District of Illinois issued a preliminary injunction in favor of Huawei that prevents Motorola from transferring Huawei's confidential information to Nokia Siemens Networks. The order also requires Motorola to hire a qualified third party to ensure Huawei's confidential information is securely removed, and also allows Huawei to audit NSN's record of service it performs on Motorola-branded system that include Huawei...

France Telecom Confirms Stephane Richard As Chairman and CEO

The Board of Directors of France Telecom formally confirmed Stephane Richard to the role of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer with effect from 1 March 2011. He replaces Didier Lombard, who has served in these roles since 2005. Stéphane Richard, 48, graduated from Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales and Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA). In January 2003, Stéphane Richard was appointed as Executive Vice President of Veolia Environnement...

Juniper's QFabric Scales the Data Center

Juniper Networks unveiled its QFabric architecture for collapsing multilayer data center infrastructure into a single, any-to-any fabric that unifies networking, storage and cloud computing resources.QFabric, which is the result of the company's three-year, $100 million "Project Stratus," is composed of three components that create a high-performance, low latency fabric. The QF/Node acts as the distributed decision engine of the fabric; the QF/Interconnect...

Verizon Wireless to Offer Public Safety Roaming over its LTE Network

Motorola Solutions and Verizon Wireless have formed and an alliance focused on mobile broadband for public safety customers across the United States. The alliance allows public safety agencies to supplement their mission critical core platforms with the rich media services and the increased capacity and coverage of Verizon Wireless' 4G LTE network. This will allow first responders who travel off of the Public Safety LTE network, to have interoperability and secure roaming onto the Verizon Wireless public LTE network. The companies said they will...

3 Minute Video: Rethinking Data Center Switching

embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id='single2'name='single2'src='player.swf'width='640'height='390'bgcolor='undefined'allowscriptaccess='always'allowfullscreen='true'wmode='transparent'flashvars='file=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo9UGa-MX1U&image=http://www.convergedigest.com/images/screens/qfabric-screen.jpg&skin=beelden&skin=/jwplayer/beelden.zip&plugins=gapro-1&gapro.accountid=UA-21408860-1'/>Andy Ingram discusses key innovations behind Juniper's QFabrichttp://www.juniper....

Calix Completes Acquisition of Occam Networks

Calix completed its previously-announced acquisition of Occam Networks. The merger consolidates two leading suppliers of broadband access equipment in the North American market. The combined company claims over 900 customers globally, including 72% of the U.S. local exchange carriers. It has over 600 fiber access customers and 400 commercial video customers. It is also a major player in Broadband Stimulus projects. "The combination of Occam...

Blue Coat: Social Networking Becomes Malware Vector

Social networking has become a leading source of malware, according to a newly released 2011 Blue Coat Web Security Report. In particular, social network phishing and click-jacking attacks were the two most common types of attacks through social networks in 2010. Blue Coat said this shift of phishing attacks to social networks is particularly driven by the attempt to obtain user credentials that can also provide access to banking, financial and other online accounts that use shared passwords. "Today, dynamic Web links are the most powerful...

Vertical Systems: Global Provider Ethernet Leaderboard

The leading global providers of Ethernet services are Orange (France), Colt (U.K.), Verizon (U.S.), NTT (Japan), AT&T (U.S.) and Global Crossing (U.S.), according to Vertical Systems' bi-annual Global Provider Leaderboard. The report ranks companies with four percent or more of retail Business Ethernet ports installed at sites outside of the provider's primary home country.Key results of Vertical's latest Global Provider share analysis:The Global...