Thursday, November 20, 2014

Blueprint: Six Major Hurdles to SDN Adoption

by Charanya Balasubramanian, Veryx Technologies SDN promises to provide an architecture that empowers enterprises and service providers to realize a high degree of network automation, agility and, a decrease in overall costs of the network. By decoupling the control and forwarding planes, SDN provides a logically centralized control and programmable layer. Thus SDN accelerates service deployment and reduces operating expenses across multi-vendor...

Bob Metcalfe on Innovation and the Net Neutrality Debate

Innovation in networking technologies is accelerating.  The debate on NetNeutrality is back in the public square. Speaking at #GEN14 conference in Washington D.C., Bob Metcalfe, Professor, Electrical Engineering & Director of Innovation, shares his views on Net Neutrality. Filmed at Metro Ethernet Forum's #GEN14 conference in Washington, D.C. One Minute Video:

Wedge Networks Leverages NFV for Cloud Network Defense

Wedge Networks, a start-up headquartered in Calgary, introduced its Cloud Network Defense (CND) technology as a means to deliver high levels of cyber security within service provider networks.  Wedge supplies an embedded operating system that enables the delivery of a variety of security functions running on commodity servers. Unlike current security technologies that rely on proprietary hardware or require security providers to direct traffic...

Tech Mahindra Expands in Network Services with LCC Acquisition

Tech Mahindra has agreed to acquire Lightbridge Communications Corporation (LCC), a leading provider of network engineering services, for approximately US$240 million. The acquisition expands Tech Mahindra's presence in network services globally. LCC, which is based in McLean, Virginia, is the largest independent network services company worldwide and has played a key role in the engineering of over 350 networks.  The company has designed more...

Vitesse Extends Ethernet to IoT with Protocol Stack

Vitesse Semiconductor introduced its IStaX protocol stack to simplify deployment and management of Industrial-IoT network applications such as Industrial Ethernet switching, surveillance, video distribution, LCD signage, intelligent sensors, and metering equipment. The software is designed to work across Vitesse’s extensive portfolio of Ethernet switches and PHYs to simplify Ethernet networking and connectivity with various capabilities including: IEEE...

Telefónica Teams with Geotab on M2M for Fleets

Telefónica announced a partnership with Geotab to provide M2M fleet transport telematics technology in Spain, Germany and the U.K. with the intention to explore Latin American markets in the near future. The solution, which includes Geotab’s plug-and-play device, offers real time fleet management and the ability to develop a number of alerts, notifications, and review driver trip and activity reports. Advanced features also include on-board diagnostics...

MACOM Acquires BinOptics for Indium Phosphide Lasers

M/A-COM Technology Solutions Holdings (MACOM) agreed to acquire BinOptics Corporation, a merchant provider of Indium Phosphide lasers, for $230 million in cash. BinOptics' highly differentiated edge-emitting and surface-emitting Fabry Perot and DFB lasers are used in applications such as data centers, mobile backhaul, silicon photonics and access. The company has developed proprietary Etched Facet Technology (EFT) for lasers that enable compelling...