Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Verizon Signs Discovery Channel for its FTTP TV Service

Verizon has signed the Discovery Network as a content partner for its upcoming "FiOS " FTTP TV service. Under the agreement, Verizon's programming lineup will include Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, Travel Channel, Discovery Health Channel, Discovery Kids Channel, Discovery Times Channel, The Science Channel, Discovery Home Channel, Military Channel, Discovery en Espanol, FitTV, BBC AMERICA, and Discovery HD Theater, the company's 24-hour high-definition network. The agreement also includes Discovery On Demand, Discovery's video-on-demand...

CWA Calls for Scrutiny of Sprint, Nextel Wireless Merger

The Communications Workers of America, a union that represents about 3,400 Sprint employees who work for Sprint's local telephone companies, calling on federal and state regulators to carefully address the critical issues raised in the proposed deal by Sprint Corp. to acquire Nextel Communications. The CWA is concerned that the spinoff of Sprint's local telephone companies, which now serve 7 million mostly rural customers in a number of states, might saddle rural ratepayers with a disproportionate share of the company's wireless debt. CWA is also...

Covad and Verizon Sign Commercial DSL Line-Sharing Agreement

Covad Communications and Verizon signed a commercial agreement enabling Covad to continue to provide line-sharing services to DSL subscribers throughout Verizon territory for a four-year period. Line-sharing allows communications providers like Covad to deploy DSL on the same line customers use for their voice phone services. Covad said that while the specific terms of the agreement are confidential, the economic terms of the agreement are comparable to those of its other commercial line-sharing agreements. http://www.covad....

Telecom Italia and Cisco Systems Collaborate on VoIP

Telecom Italia and Cisco Systems agreed to collaborate on VoIP solutions targeted at midsize and large businesses. The companies said that in addition to offering VoIP services, the integration of Cisco IP solutions on the Telecom Italia platform, would help customers adopt advanced services and solutions, including multimedia messaging, videoconferencing, file and document sharing and call center applications. The agreement follows from Cisco's strategic technology partnership with Italtel. http://www.cisco....

HP and Cisco Align Support Services

HP and Cisco Systems agreed to deliver co-branded support services - via a single point of contact - to help customers maintain their enterprise networks on a global scale. The agreement is part of Cisco's Global Services Alliance program, which was established by Cisco in June 2004. HP has been selected by Cisco for this new alliance program focused on services. In addition, HP is the first partner to have earned Cisco's Global Certified Partner statushttp://www.cisco.comhttp://www.hp....

FCC Adopts New Network Unbundling Rules

The FCC adopted rules concerning incumbent local exchange carriers' (incumbent LECs') obligations to make elements of their network available to other carriers seeking to enter the local telecommunications market. The new rules were issued in response to the March 2004 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit which overturned portions of the Unbundled Network Element (UNE) rules in the FCC's Triennial Review Order. The FCC said the new framework builds on its actions to limit unbundling and provide incentives for both incumbent...

FCC Promotes Broadband on Planes, Ships

The FCC will auction new licenses in the 4 MHz of spectrum in the 800 MHz band currently dedicated to commercial air-ground service. There are three possible band plan configurations. The ultimate band configuration will be determined based on the results of the auction. However, in order to further competition and ensure maximum use of the frequency band for air-ground services, the Commission imposed an eligibility limitation to prevent a single entity from holding new licenses for all 4 MHz of air-ground spectrum. New air-ground service may...

FCC Permits New Unlicensed UWB Devices

The FCC adopted new rules to permit unlicensed wideband devices in the 6 GHz, 17 GHz and 24 GHz bands. Specifically, the FCC amended its rules for general Part 15 unlicensed operations that use wide bandwidths but are not classified as UWB devices under its rules. It increased the peak power limits and reduced the unwanted emission levels for 3 frequency bands that were already available for unlicensed operation: 5925-7250 MHz, 16.2-17.2 GHz, and 23.12-29 GHz, and indicated that higher peak power limits in these bands would facilitate wideband...

Zarlink Launches Low-Density Circuit Emulation-over-Packet Processors

Zarlink Semiconductor launched three low-density CES (Circuit Emulation Services)-over-Packet processors for supporting TDM voice, video and data services over expanding metro Ethernet and wireless networks. Zarlink's three-chip ZL50117 family utilizes CES-over-Packet technology to seamlessly "tunnel" one, two or four streams of TDM traffic, with associated timing and signaling, across Ethernet, and MPLS networks. Zarlink's CES-over-Packet technology can be designed into line cards in the base station and base station controller to seamlessly...

Cogent Launches Managed Security Service

Cogent Communications began offering two levels of Managed Security services to further enhance its dedicated Internet access connections. Available immediately, Cogent's Advanced and Premium level services are offered through an agreement with Tekmark Global Solutions ("TGS"), a third party provider of security services. Cogent will maintain the direct customer relationship and handle all issues and requests related to the managed security service. For $199 a month, Advanced level customers receive a firewall powered by Internet security leader...

QUALCOMM Opens BREW Developer Lab in India

QUALCOMM opened a BREW Developer Lab in Mumbai, India. The new lab, one of nine BREW developer labs worldwide, will provide Indian application developers access to the latest BREW-enabled handsets, software and testing tools. In addition, the lab provides developers access to hands-on technical support from QUALCOMM. Developers will also be able to attend a three-day BREW workshop following the opening of the lab. http://www.qualcomm.c...

Bell Canada Cites Progress in Move to Next Gen Services

At its annual Business Review Conference, Bell Canada said it is making significant progress in migrating to next generation services. Currently 60% of Bell Canada's revenues come from its legacy services, such as local and long distance, while 40% come from new, high- growth services - such as wireless, video, high-speed Internet, IP and Value-Added Services. By the end of 2006, Bell expects the ratio to have shifted with about 45% of revenue coming from legacy services and about 55% coming from new services. Today, Bell adds approximately $1.50...

AT&T Extends Its Global VPN and VoIP Capabilities

AT&T announced a series of enhancements to its VPN and VoIP services, including a real-time "hoot and holler" conference calling feature. This feature creates a conference bridge with IP multicasting technology to connect as many end points as needed. AT&T is also added a new "automatic ring down" feature enables two phones to be instantly connected just by lifting the handset. Both features are particularly aimed at the financial services industry, where there is a high demand for instant connectivity among multiple users. AT&T...

Avaya Acquires RouteScience

Avaya acquired substantially all of the assets of RouteScience Technologies, a start-up based in San Mateo, California, that developed a "route controller" platform for optimizing a company's multiple ISP links. Financial terms were not disclosed. RouteScience offers adaptive networking software (ANS) for enterprises and service providers. ANS monitors, assesses and automatically adjusts the network environment to optimize data traffic flow and enhance the performance of advanced applications, such as IP telephony. Most of RouteScience's employees...

Sprint Nextel to Pursue on CDMA-EVDO Vision, Spinoff Wireline Divisions

Sprint and Nextel Communications confirmed their plans to merge into a larger wireless and integrated communications service provider. The two companies currently serve more than 35 million wireless subscribers and 5 million additional subscribers through affiliates and partners. The new company would look to leverage a strong spectrum position to deliver nationwide mobile data and push-to-talk services. The company is also aiming to deliver new broadband wireless services for consumers. Some infrastructure implications for the merger include:...