Sunday, April 10, 2016

OpenStack Mitaka Focuses on Scalability

The OpenStack community released the 13th version of its open source software for building clouds, with a focus on manageability, scalability and end-user experience. OpenStack is an integration engine that can manage bare metal, virtual machines, and container orchestration frameworks with a single set of APIs. OpenStack is approaching its sixth anniversary. Here are some highlight's of the OpenStack Mitaka release: Simplified Manageability...

Sprint to Sell and Lease-back of Certain Network Assets

Sprint announced an arrangement to sell and lease back certain existing network assets, thereby raising $2.2 billion for addressing upcoming debt maturities. Under the deal, several bankruptcy remote entities (collectively “Network LeaseCo”) will acquire certain existing network assets and then lease them back to Sprint. The assets acquired by Network LeaseCo will be used as collateral to raise approximately $2.2 billion in borrowings from external...

KT Tests 5G Backhaul in E-Band with NEC

KT completed a 5G wireless backhaul proof of concept (PoC) in conjunction with NEC. The test, which was conducted at Phoenix Park Ski World in PyeongChang, South Korea, used KT's commercial mobile network infrastructure. NEC supplied its ultra-compact, iPASOLINK EX microwave communications system operating in E-Band spectrum (70-80GHz).  The microwave radios were used to interconnect KT's LTE base stations. NEC's iPASOLINK EX supports ultra-multilevel...

Corning to Acquire AFOP for Passive Optical Components

Corning agreed to acquire Alliance Fiber Optic Products (AFOP) for $18.50 per share in cash, representing a transaction value of approximately $305 million. AFOP, which is based in Sunnyvale, California designs and manufactures high-performance passive optical components that are used by cloud data-center operators and leading datacom and telecom OEMs (original equipment manufacturers). Corning uses AFOP products in a number of its existing connectivity...

SAP's Cloud Revenue Rises 33% in Q1

SAP reported strong growth for its cloud services in Q1.  Cloud subscriptions & support revenue, along with software support revenue, reached 69% share of total revenue for the quarter. First quarter non-IFRS cloud subscriptions and support revenue grew 33% year-over-year (33% at constant currencies) to €0.68 billion. New cloud bookings grew a solid 22% (25% at constant currencies) in the first quarter and reached €0.14 billion. Another...

Alibaba Joins OpenDaylight

The Alibaba Group has joined The OpenDaylight Project at the Silver level. Alibaba's SDN-enabled infrastructure supported its record-breaking 11.11 Global Shopping Festival, which was the largest one-day online sales event in 2015. On 11.11, Alibaba attracted over 115 million buyers to its marketplaces and enabled RMB91.2 billion (US$14 billion) in GMV settled through Alipay on Alibaba’s platforms. Alibaba’s network infrastructure supported 467...