Monday, September 19, 2011

Nokia appoints Henry Tirri as CTO

Nokia has appointed Henry Tirri as executive vice president, Chief Technology Officer and a member of the Nokia Leadership Team. Previously, Tirri was Head of Nokia Research Centre (NRC), Nokia's forward looking research facility. He joined Nokia in 2004 as a Research Fellow before leading NRC Systems Research laboratory in 2007. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki, Finland. Tirri will be based in Sunnyvale, California.

China Mobile Adds 5.7 Million More Users in August

China Mobile added 5.77 million mobile users in August, giving it a total of 627,628,000 customers as of 31-August-2011. The carrier has added 43.6 million customer so far this year.

Alcatel-Lucent and TE Subcom Expand Pacific Cable Services

Alcatel-Lucent and TE SubCom are boosting their joint maintenance program for submarine optical communication links throughout the Pacific basin. The companies first joined forces in the Pacific in 2008 with two cable ships serving the northwestern portion of the region. Additional cable ships are being deployed this year as a maintenance resource in the northeastern region. http://www.SubCom....

AT&T: It's All About Spectrum

AT&T has begun advertising to support its bid to acquire T-Mobile USA. In a spot featured in The Wall Street Journal, AT&T points out that Sprint/Clearwire hold more spectrum than any other operator in the country and that they would like to keep it so.http://www.att....

NSN InfoGraphic: 4.5 Billion Mobile Data Users by 2020


Allot Cites Tier 1 European LTE Deployment

Allot Communications confirmed the deployment of its Allot Service Gateway in the LTE network of a Tier 1 European operator (name not disclosed). The Allot equipment enables optimized delivery of data at rates up to 100Mbps and the implementation of value-based charging and innovative service plans. Allot's 3GPP compliant solution accurately identifies OTT (over-the-top) application traffic in real time at speeds of up to 160 Gbps per platform....

LightSquared Picks Wipro for Systems Integration

LightSquared has selected Wipro Technologies (WIT) as its technology partner for systems integration and managed services. LightSquared, in cooperation with Wipro, also named the following three key component suppliers for its network.Provisioning and Activation, provided by Evolving Systems (EVOL), which enables LightSquared's partners to activate and provision end-users on the network. Real-Time Usage and Credit Management, provided by Openet, which enables LightSquared's partners to manage their own customers' network usage and credit in real...

JDSU Intros Multichannel OTN Test Solution for 10G, 40G and 100G

JDSU introduced an Optical Transport Network (OTN) multichannel test solution for 10G, 40G and 100G networks. JDSU's multichannel solution simulates the complexities of live network traffic, giving service providers better assurance that they will be able to deliver a quality experience to their consumer and business customers. http://www.jdsu....

ClariPhy Begins Volume Shipments of 40G Coherent

ClariPhy Communications announced volume shipments of its LightSpeed CL4010 Coherent SoC, a single-chip CMOS solution targeting 40 Gbps coherent deployments. Oclaro, an investor in ClariPhy and a provider of optical communications and laser solutions, recently announced volume shipments of its first 40G MSA coherent module, the MI 5000XM, which integrates the LightSpeed CL4010 SoC from ClariPhy. http://www.clariphy....

Fujitsu Labs Develops Photonics Lightsource for CPU Interconnects

Fujitsu Laboratories last week disclosed the development of a compact silicon photonics light source for use in optical transceivers required for optical interconnects between CPUs. Fujitsu leverages a mechanism that automatically keeps the light source's wavelength and the modulator's operating wavelength in sync, eliminating thermal controls and enabling the optical transceivers to be mounted directly in CPU packaging.

NSN Outlines "Liquid Net" for Fluid Capacity Network Dynamics

Nokia Siemens Networks outlined its "Liquid Net" vision for transforming radio, core and transport networks to fluidly adapt to fluctuating traffic demands. The goal of Liquid Net is to make new and existing carrier networks more self-aware and self-adapting, thereby unleashing frozen network capacity and directing it to where it is needed. The interlinked architecture calls for the use of software defined, multipurpose hardware and builds on the...

IDT Unveils Family of Universal Frequency Translators

Integrated Device Technology (IDT) introduced a family of Universal Frequency Translators (UFTs) with industry-leading phase noise performance and targeted at communications line cards, networking interfaces, embedded systems, and 4G wireless base-stations.The new devices accept a wide range of input frequencies from 8kHz to 710MHz and translate them into output frequencies from 1MHz – 1.3GHz, without the limitation of an integer relationship between...

MultiPhy Unveils 100G PHY IC for the Metro Market

MultiPhy introduced a 100 Gbps DEMUX receiver chip specifically designed to meet the low-cost and low-power needs of the quickly growing 100G metro transport marketplace. The DSP-based 100G receiver chip incorporates an ultra-high-speed analog-to-digital converter (A/D), the world's fastest Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation (MLSE) decoder, and the DEMUX gearbox function. It can be used in DWDM networks with link lengths of up to 800 km, and...