Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Coriant Outlines Dynamic Optical Cloud Architecture for On-Demand Services

Coriant outlined its vision for bringing a high degree of programmability, automation and control to multilayer, multi-vendor transport networks. The Coriant Dynamic Optical Cloud will couple the company's metro-to-core packet optical networking capabilities with software-defined networking (SDN) intelligence. Coriant cited several Dynamic Optical Cloud use cases that it has developed in partnership with Tier 1 operators around the world, including: Application-driven...

Coriant's Debuts mTera Universal Transport Platform

Coriant introducted its mTera Universal Transport Platform designed to serve a variety of roles in next-gen packet optical networks, including metro-to-LH gateway applications and on-demand data center connectivity. The Coriant mTera platform, which is the first product to come to market since the merging of Coriant and Tellabs, brings together compact, simplified and efficient traffic grooming from Tellabs and photonic-layer technology and system...

Huawei's 400G WDM Prototype Promises 'Faster than Nyquist'

At the OFC 2014 Conference in San Francisco, Huawei introduced a 400G WDM prototype for ultra-long-haul transmission that employs Faster Than Nyquist (FTN) technology to increase the 400G transmission distance beyond 3000 km. Huawei said its FTN technology breaks the limit of the Nyquist sampling theorem, which defines a maximum transmission speed for a fixed channel bandwidth, by leveraging spectrum compression and signal distortion compensation...

Bright House Tests 400G and 800G Over Live Network with Fujitsu

Bright House Networks, which is the sixth largest owner and operator of cable systems in the U.S., has successfully trialed Fujitsu’s 400G transport technology in its live network. The trial was Fujitsu’s first 400G trial with a cable MSO used Fujitsu’s 400G optical networking transceivers over the Fujitsu FLASHWAVE 9500 Packet Optical Networking Platforms (Packet ONPs). Upon completing the 400G trial, an error-free rate of 800 G was also attempted...

Infonetics: OTN switching is Booming

The OTN switching segment of the market grew 37% in 2013, according to a new report from Infonetics Research that tracks optical transport network (OTN) switching and transport equipment and packet-optical transport systems (P-OTS). Worldwide overall OTN revenue totaled $8 billion in 2013, or 66% of all optical network hardware spending     The market for P-OTS equipment came to $1.7 billion in 2013, split fairly evenly between metro...

Huawei Releases Wavelength-based Multidimensional All-optical Cross-connect

At the OFC 2014 show in San Francisco, Huawei showcased a wavelength-based all-optical cross-connect technology that operates in 8-dimensions (80 waves per dimension).  The optical cross-connect prototype implements a free cross-connect of 640 x 640 waves. Huawei said its optical cross-connect prototype uses an industry-leading optical engine that enables a programmable million-pixel array to be integrated into a 1 cm2 silicon wafer. This...

ADVA Optical Networking Acquires Oscilloquartz SA

ADVA Optical Networking SE agreed to acquire Oscilloquartz SA from Swatch Group. Financial terms were not disclosed. Oscilloquartz specializes in network synchronization solutions, including high-quality quartz crystal oscillators.  The company, which was founded in 1949, offers technology for timing sources and timing distribution for legacy and next-generation packet networks. During its long history, Oscilloquartz has developed long-term...

Acacia Announces Single-Chip Silicon Photonics 100G Coherent Transceiver

At OFC 2014 in San Francisco, Acacia Communications introduced a complete 100G coherent transceiver in a single Silicon Photonics Integrated Circuit (PIC) package -- integrating all the critical optical elements required in Acacia’s industry-first 100G coherent CFP module, which the company just announced is now shipping in samples. Acacia’s highly integrated duplex Silicon Photonics single-chip PIC is low cost, low power, ultra-compact and can...

Procera Supplies its PacketLogic for du

Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC (du), the fastest growing telecom operator in the Middle East, has selected Procera Networks’ award-winning PacketLogic 10000 series of products to provide an enhanced customer experience and network optimisation. Specifically, du has deployed PacketLogic real time analytics, information and subscriber management systems that allow for the optimal customer experience, enabling them to enjoy maximum...

ALU Selected for FTTx in Indonesia

Telkom Akses, the Telkom Indonesia subsidiary responsible for building a national broadband infrastructure, has selected Alcatel-Lucent for its fiber to the premises (FTTx) rollout for millions of subscribers in Indonesia. Alcatel-Lucent will deploy its Intelligent Services Access Manager (ISAM) product family, which supports GPON enabling fiber-to-the-premises.  Financial terms were not disclosed. Telkom Akses aims to take broadband penetration...