Tuesday, March 26, 2013

T-Mobile USA's "Un-carrier" Attitude Eliminates Contracts

Adopting what it calls an "Un-carrier" attitude, T-Mobile USA announced a radical simplification of consumer rate plans and the first activation of its LTE network in an initial 7 cities. T-Mobile USA is promoting a Simple Choice Plan that replaces restrictive annual contracts with a flat price of $50 per month for unlimited talk, text and Web with 500MB of data.  Customers can add a second phone line for $30 per month, and each additional...

Overture Intros New Switching/Aggregation Platform for CE2.0 and SDN

Overture introduced a new switching platform for Carrier Ethernet 2.0 (CE2.0) Ethernet aggregation over any access method, it includes support for fiber, E-Access, copper, SONET/SDH, and TDM. The new Overture 6500, which will be offered in several slot configurations, is designed for the company's new Ensemble Open Service Architecture for transforming the metro edge with software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization technology....

Big Switch Offers Open Source OpenFlow Software

Big Switch Networks took the wraps off of its Switch Light, a thin switching, open source software platform that can be deployed as a virtual switch for server hypervisors and in merchant silicon-based physical switching platforms.  The open source software is based on the Indigo Project, a sub-project within Project Floodlight, which is an SDN developer community that already includes some 200,000 lines of code. Big Switch said the aim of...

Extreme Networks Looks Toward Lightweight SDN Switch

Extreme Networks announced a commitment to offering an open source, OpenFlow thin switching platform in line with Big Switch Networks' Switch Light initiative. Later this year, Extreme Networks plans to introduce its first such switch, the Slalom -- an optimized SDN switch supporting lightweight software and network services based on the OpenFlow protocol.  The company said this new Slalom switch will provide an evolutionary progression of...

IBM Releases SDN Virtual Overlay Tool

IBM introduced a new Software Defined Network for Virtual Environments (SDN VE) solution for automating the process of setting up am networks. The software helps network administrators to speed up traditionally time-consuming tasks such as network provisioning.  In addition to management and provisioning, the IBM SDN VE, which is based on IBM’s DOVE (Distributed Overlay Virtual Ethernet) architecture, automates network virtualization. “Our...

Former Foundry Exec Charged with Insider Trading Ahead of Brocade Acquisition

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged David Riley, the former chief information officer at Foundry Networks, and Matthew Teeple, a former hedge fund investor, with insider trading. The SEC alleges that David Riley tipped off Matthew Teeple in advance of a July 2008 announcement that Foundry Networks Inc. had agreed to be acquired by Brocade Communication Systems for approximately $3 billion.  Teeple used the tip to buy Foundry...

Tabula Looks Beyond FPGAs with 100G Programmable Processing

Tabula, a start-up based in Santa Clara, California, introduced its suite of high-performance packet processing solutions aimed at 100G applications. The technology focuses on routing of high-performance buses, on-chip RAM throughput, and timing closure for the ultra-high-performance functions required by 100G systems. Tabula will also leverage Intel's 22nm Tri-Gate technology. The packet processing solutions, combined with Tabula’s new ABAX2P1...

Brocade Deepens its SAN Management, Debuts 96-port FC Switch

Brocade outlined its new "Fabric Vision" technology for simplifying SAN deployment and management and announced a new high-density fixed-configuration SAN switch in its Gen 5 portfolio of 16 Gbps Fibre Channel products. Brocade Fabric Vision, which combines Brocade hardware, its embedded operating system (Brocade Fabric OS) and management software (Brocade Network Advisor) with the goal of helping administrators anticipate and preempt problems...

Telus Picks Fujitsu FLASHWAVE 9500 Packet Optical

TELUS has selected the Fujitsu FLASHWAVE 9500 Packet Optical Networking Platform (Packet ONP) to bring 100G to its network.  Financial terms were not disclosed. Fujitsu said its 100G solution will help TELUS to meet the bandwidth requirements for high-speed data services, Internet video services, and smart phones, while ensuring a better cost per unit and a lasting technology foundation for their evolving packet-centric regional and national...

Level 3 Activates Metro Networks in Bogota and Buenos Aires

Level 3 Communications launched new metropolitan networks in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Bogota, Colombia. Level 3 has established multiple nodes in both of these cities, with each network boasting a total capacity of 80x40Gbps and the potential of upgrading to 80x100Gbps. Level 3 is offering fiber capacity of up to 40 Gbps.   Wholesale and enterprise customers also can build their own backbones and dedicated networks, and interconnect with...

Zayo Appoints VP for Europe -- Alastair Kane

Zayo Group announced the appointment of Alastair Kane as Vice President of Europe.  Kane has held a variety of executive roles throughout his career in the Telecommunication industry in Sales Management and Marketing, for organisations such as 2e2, British Telecom, Level 3 and MFS. Zayo expanded into the European market with the acquisition of AboveNet in July of 2012, and currently has 72,800 fibre route miles world-wide. http://www.zayo.co...