Thursday, July 17, 2003

Netflix Tops 1.1 Million Subscribers for DVD-by-Mail Service

Netflix ended Q2 2003 with approximately 1,147,000 total subscribers for its DVD-by-mail service. Consumers use the Web to select from a library of 15,000 titles and the DVDs are delivered in the next few days by mail. During the Q2, Netflix acquired 327,000 new trial subscribers, a 39% year-over-year increase from the 236,000 new trial subscribers acquired in the second quarter of 2002 and a sequential decrease of 22% from the 417,000 new trial subscribers acquired in the first quarter of 2003. Average monthly subscriber churn for Q2 2003 was...

Nortel to Acquire 100% Interest of its Operations in France, Germany

Nortel Networks and EADS will reorganize their joint telecommunications activities in France and Germany to concentrate each company's ownership in its core businesses. Specifically, Nortel Networks will acquire the 42% ownership interest in Nortel Networks Germany GmbH & Co. KG and the 45% ownership interest in Nortel Networks France SAS, currently held by EADS. Nortel Networks will then have 100% ownership of its operations in both countries. At the same time, EADS will increase its ownership in EADS Telecom, the integrator of EADS turnkey,...

Extreme Networks Posts Quarterly Revenue of $87.3 Million

Extreme Networks reported quarterly revenue $87.3 million, an increase from $85.2 million in the prior quarter. The company recorded a non-cash charge of $154 million to establish a valuation allowance against its deferred tax assets. The net loss for the quarter, including this non-cash charge, was $170.4 million or ($1.47) per share, which includes a loss of ($1.33) per share for the tax charge. http://www.extremenetworks....

Efficient Tops 12 Million Shipments for DSL Software

Efficient Networks announced that more than 12 million licenses of its Tango access and Enternet 300 client access software have been deployed worldwide. The software provides Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet connectivity and facilitates quick and simple mass customer deployment of DSL service. Efficient Networks is a subsidiary of Siemens. http://www.efficient....

FCC to Host FTTH Tutorial on 07-August-2003

The FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology will host a tutorial on FTTH technology on 07-August-2003 from 10:00 to 12:00 noon EST. The session will discuss transport options, architectures, standards, technical considerations, and the fundamentals of optical fiber. The overview will be presented by Jim Farmer, Vice President of the Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) Council and CTO of Wave 7 Optics. The tutorial is open to the public at the FCC's offices in Washington. D.C. It will also be webcast via the FCC site.