Monday, July 16, 2012

Australia's NBN Sets FTTH Target for Towns with 1,000 Premises or More

NBN Co, which is building Australia’s national broadband network, lowered its target for areas that will receive FTTH rather than high-speed fixed wireless broadband.

NBN Co said it plans to install fibre in towns of 1,000 premises or more, or to some towns with as few as 500 premises where the town is located on an NBN fibre transit link. Previously, it was expected that fibre would be deployed in towns with a population of 1,000 or more (not premises).

The change is expected to lower the overall costs of the project as many smaller towns across the country will not receive fibre.

The National Broadband Network aims to reach 93% of premises by fibre, and the remaining seven percent via fixed wireless or satellite.