ECI Telecom has integrated Wavelength Selective Switch (WSS) based Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) technology into its flagship XDM MSPP/MSTP platform. Optimized for regional and metro applications, the XDM WSS ROADM solution will support up to 8 "colorless" add/drop ports and has built-in metro optical amplifiers. The advanced WSS technology provides access to all wavelengths at every port, thus paving the way for flexible and fully managed multi-ring and full mesh networks. The built-in metro optical amplifiers reduce the complexity and lower the cost of ROADM nodes. There is also an amplifier option available for regional applications. For carrier networks that need support for up to 40 channels, ECI offers a Wavelength Blocker that is optimized for managing HUB sites.
ECI estimates that by adding one installation step alongside the installation of the transponder and corresponding drop fiber interconnect, its XDM can reduce the initial ROADM deployment costs by over 50%. The solution eliminates the need to realign levels with the addition or removal of wavelengths. ECI has filed a patent application for this capability.
ECI estimates that by adding one installation step alongside the installation of the transponder and corresponding drop fiber interconnect, its XDM can reduce the initial ROADM deployment costs by over 50%. The solution eliminates the need to realign levels with the addition or removal of wavelengths. ECI has filed a patent application for this capability.