Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Blueprint: Network Capacity Planning and Bandwidth Management in the IoT Era

by Leon Adato, Head Geek, SolarWinds Enterprise network architecture has certainly evolved; from flat networks where everything was interconnected, to hierarchical models with enhanced security and now to a borderless world. But the one network metric that has remained a priority despite these changes is bandwidth, and by extension the individual traffic flows that comprise it. Many enterprises have treated bandwidth as the elephant in the room—they...

Bell Labs Study Quantifies Residential vCPE Gains

A new study from Bell Labs claims that communications service providers can dramatically reduce their operating costs by up to 40% by ‘virtualizing’ complex functions currently deployed on residential gateways into the network cloud. A virtualized residential gateway (vRGW) moves functions like IP routing and Network Address Translation (NAT) into the cloud, along with centralized management and control. This lets service providers introduce a more...

ALU Builds Out vRAN portfolio with Red Hat, Advantech, 6Wind

Alcatel-Lucent announced collaboration agreements with Red Hat, Advantech and 6WIND. The partnerships are aimed at accelerating the delivery of commercial virtualized radio access network (vRAN) products. Alcatel-Lucent is trialling its near-commercial vRAN with leading service providers in North America, Asia and Europe using a platform that consists of 6WIND, Advantech and Red Hat hardware and software. In 2016 Alcatel-Lucent will expand these...

HPE Delivers Visibility into the Virtual Switching Fabric

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) announced network management and visualization software for virtual networks The new Network Node Manager i (NNMi) software provides visibility into network topologies, helping companies to maintain control and extends their insight into the virtual switching fabric of their entire network. The software gives network managers the visibility into virtualized devices and topologies to help them ensure that their devices...

Palo Alto Networks VNF Runs on Mirantis OpenStack

Mirantis and Palo Alto Networks announced a joint partnership and availability of Palo Alto Networks next-generation security as a virtual network function (VNF) within Mirantis OpenStack, a production-grade OpenStack distribution. The combination protects applications from cyberthreats while taking advantage of the agility, cost savings, and innovation of the OpenStack cloud ecosystem. “OpenStack cloud environments are an attractive choice for...

Telefónica Enters Alliance with MTN

Spain’s Telefónica Group announced a strategic alliance with the South African headquartered MTN Group. The companies have agreed to work together to capture synergies in a number of strategic areas. Many of the initial areas are aiming to improve both companies’ stand in regards to Enterprise customers, including services to multinational companies in each other’s footprint, collaboration in M2M and new digital products and services targeting the...

Zonamérica Installs Cisco for Business Park

Zonamérica, a special business park in Uruguay, has implemented a cloud-based Cisco collaboration solution to provide services to its clients. This is the first project in Uruguay to deliver cloud-based services build on the Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS). The solution built for Zonamérica provides computing, storage, memory and software via an auto-provisioning system to the 200 customers within the park. http://newsroom.cisco.c...