Thursday, June 23, 2011

Orckit-Corrigent Extends its Packet Transport

Orckit-Corrigent has extended its Packet Transport Network (PTN) portfolio with the introduction of a new CM-401x PTN access product line. Three PTN access devices will be offered, all of which are based on 16G full duplex of non-blocking, switching capacity, packed in 1RU with broad mixture of Ethernet, PDH and SDH interfaces.CM-401x products highlights:Highly scalable mixture of Ethernet, PDH and SDH interfaces Dual stack IP/MPLS and MPLS-TPPDH...

Huawei Debuts Unified Network Management System

Huawei introduced its iManager U2100 network management system (NMS) for super-large-scale bearer networks. The U2100 assists operators with grooming their end-to-end trails and manages its network faults, while also acting as a data center to provide information for planning network-wide resources, services, software and hardware versions, and standby parts.Huawei said its U2100 also uses scalable software architecture and a carrier-class hardware...

Infonetics: SAN Equipment Sales up 10%

The combined SAN switch and adapter market totaled $755 million globally in 1Q11, up 0.8% from the previous quarter, and up 9.8% from the first quarter of 2010, according to a new report from Infonetics Research which tracks storage area network (SAN) switches and adapters."We see steady growth ahead for the overall SAN equipment market. The long shift to cloud computing will propel the SAN switch market to more than triple from 2010 to 2015, and we forecast the SAN adapter market to grow at a 20% compound annual growth rate from 2010 to 2015,...

Infonetics: Data Center Equipment Slows in 1Q11

In 1Q11, the worldwide data center network equipment market, which includes data center Ethernet switches, application delivery controllers (ADCs), and WAN optimization appliances, declined 7% from the previous quarter, but is up 2% year-over-year (1Q10 to 1Q11), according to Infonetics' First Quarter (1Q11) Data Center Network Equipment report."After massive growth (+50%) in 2010, the data center network equipment market is slowing significantly in 2011, as some of the 2010 drivers like pent-up demand disappear and new challenges arise, such as...

AT&T Holds Dividend at $0.43 per Share

AT&T declared a quarterly dividend of $0.43 a share on the company's common shares. The dividend is payable on August 1, 2011, to stockholders of record at the close of business on July 8, 2011. http://www.att....

Charter Buys Missouri Systems from US Cable

Charter Communications will acquire cable television systems from US Cable of Coastal Texas for an undisclosed sum. These systems serve approximately 16,000 customers in Missouri, including the communities of Hannibal, Mexico and Moberly.Charter serves more than 5 million homes and businesses in 25 states. http://www.charter....

FCC Implements Fraudulent Caller ID Spoofing Fines

Last week, the FCC adopted new protections against fraudulent and deceptive use of caller ID. Callers are still permitted to alter caller ID if their purpose is not fraudulent or harmful -- such as calling a domestic abuse hotline -- but fines may be imposed for malicious intent.Under the FCC's new rules:Violators are subject to up to $10,000 for each violation, or three times that amount for each day of continuing violation, to a maximum of $1 million...

Wi-Fi Alliance and Wireless Broadband Alliance Collaborate

The Wi-Fi Alliance and Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) agreed to harmonize their programs related to Wi-Fi hotspot ease of use and roaming. Specifically, the organizations will align WBA's inter-operator Wi-Fi roaming efforts and Wi-Fi Alliance's planned certification program for Wi-Fi equipment. The two organizations will coordinate on testing methodologies and models, and will share information about their respective specifications and technologies to ensure that the programs are aligned. Members from the groups will also collaborate on the...

ICANN Upgrades Internet Domain Name System with gTLDs

ICANN approved a plan to increase the number of generic top-level domains (gTLDs), from the current 22, which include such familiar domains as .com, .org and .net. The move is expected to facilitate the global expansion of the Internet by allowing any language script, such as Cyrillic, Arabic and Chinese, as a top-level domain. The approval follows many years of public debate and planning on the topic. Applications are expected to be accepted beginning on January 12, 2012. At its meeting in Singapore, ICANN also approved a new .NET registry...

Telstra Launches HD Voice Network

Telstra has activated HD voice capabilities across Australia, greatly enhancing voice quality and reducing disturbance from background noise. A handset with HD voice capabilities is required. There is no additional cost for HD voice connections.Ericsson supplied software upgrades for Telstra's core and WCDMA radio access network based on an existing contract between the companies. In addition, the integration of Mobile SoftSwitch Solution (MSS)...

Skyworks Unveils Range Power Detectors for 3G/LTE

Skyworks Solutions introduced high dynamic range power detectors for smart phones and data cards. Skyworks' RF detectors are compatible with various baseband architectures and accommodate multiple 3G and LTE band combinations. The devices have been designed to work with the SKY7770X and SKY7772X series of 3G and 4G power amplifiers to expand the compatibility of the integrated daisy chain coupler for the majority of basebands and transceivers.Skyworks'...

Singapore's Nucleus Connect Studies 10G GPON with Huawei

Nucleus Connect, Singapore's Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network Operating Company (OpCo), has signed a memorandum of understanding with Huawei to study the use of 10G GPON across the Next Gen NBN. 10G GPON promises downlink speeds of up to 10 Gbps and uplink speeds of up to 2.5 Gbps, enabling emerging services like 3D TV and Ultra HD TV, while co-existing with the current GPON system. As part of this MOU, Nucleus Connect and Huawei will...

Broadband World Forum 2011: 27-29-September, Paris

Broadband World Forum 2011, which is slated 27-29 September 2011 at CNIT La Défense, Paris, has been expanded this year to include the Transport and Energy sectors, and contains two new forums – the Connected Transport Summit and the Smart Energy Summit - as well as the Executive Leadership Summit and four programme tracks.The show will feature the largest conference program to date for a Broadband World Forum event. Last year's Broadband Forum attracted...

Charter Delivers Long-Haul Ethernet over MPLS Backbone

Charter Communications, which is the fourth largest cable operator in the U.S., introduced a long-haul Ethernet option for its Charter Business Optical Ethernet service. The long-haul service extends the reach of Optical Ethernet service beyond a metro area, allowing enterprise and carrier customers to seamlessly connect multiple business locations within Charter's network footprint, regardless of distance. The long-haul Ethernet transport service...