Kasenna released an updated version of its MediaBase XMP VOD server platform that surpasses the one million subscribers mark for video streams from one server rack at typical oversubscription rates. Media Base XMP 8.2 offers a clustered architecture enabling very large-scale VOD deployments -- sending more than 133,000 simultaneous streams from a standard server rack.

Kasenna combines standard, off-the-shelf Linux servers, file systems, GigE/10GigE network cards and SCSI/SAS storage with its own MediaBase XMP 8.2, "Stream Clustering" and "RAM caching" technology. MediaBase Stream Clustering technology uses a number of different patented techniques for pre-caching, hot-spot management, load averaging and predictive usage.
For the one-million subscriber deployment quoted above, the single rack system consists of 64-bit Intel Xeon servers powered by Kasenna MediaBase 8.2 software using a hybrid memory/disk streaming technology.

Kasenna combines standard, off-the-shelf Linux servers, file systems, GigE/10GigE network cards and SCSI/SAS storage with its own MediaBase XMP 8.2, "Stream Clustering" and "RAM caching" technology. MediaBase Stream Clustering technology uses a number of different patented techniques for pre-caching, hot-spot management, load averaging and predictive usage.
For the one-million subscriber deployment quoted above, the single rack system consists of 64-bit Intel Xeon servers powered by Kasenna MediaBase 8.2 software using a hybrid memory/disk streaming technology.