Saturday, June 15, 2013

Presidential Memo Charts Course for Spectrum Sharing

A new U.S. Spectrum Policy Team has been formed to accelerate spectrum sharing policies and technologies. President Obama has ordered this Spectrum Policy Team to draft recommendations on how NTIA and FCC can incorporate spectrum sharing into their spectrum management practices to enable more productive uses of spectrum throughout our economy and society and protect the current and future mission capabilities of federal agencies. The team consists...

Google's Project Loon - Balloon-powered Network in the Sky

Google introduced Project Loon, one of its "moonshot" initiatives to transform the world with breakthrough technology. Project Loon's aim is to deliver Internet access to "all the world's people" including remote locations on every continent. The project is experimental and still in its early days. Project Loon will use free flying balloons at high altitudes to beam Internet access to the ground at 3G speeds or faster. The concept will require...