Siemens Communications is supplying ADSL2+ for the 57,000 inhabitants of Greenland. By the end of the year, all settlements on the island will be connected to the IP-DSLAMs of the ADSL2+ network, enabling Internet access at 12 to 24 Mbps. Currently, satellite or microwave links are used to link settlements across Greenland because it is not feasible to bury fiber in the ice. Siemens is also deploying IP-based nanoBTS GSM base stations in conjunction with the new local switching technology. This technology enables intra-village mobile phone conversations to be connected directly, eliminating the need for them to be routed via satellite. For the population of Greenland, this is an enormous advantage. In many villages, the number of mobile phone users is rapidly rising, and now totals more than 70%throughout Greenland -- some 37,000 subscribers.