Monday, March 5, 2007

Extreme Networks Hires ex-Sun Exec to Head Sales

Extreme Networks named Helmut Wilke as its new senior vice president of worldwide sales. Wilke previously was senior vice president of operations and support for Sun Microsystems. Prior to this, Wilke served as the vice president of sales and President of Sun Microsystems, Germany, where he led a group with 1,500 employees, transitioning it to a solutions-focused approach. Prior to Sun, Wilke was the CEO and president of Software AG, a leading manufacturer of software and systems for large corporations. http://www.extremenetworks....

Verizon Business Links BEHRINGER Worldwide

BEHRINGER, a manufacturer and distributor of professional audio and musical instrument products, has implemented Verizon Private IP connecting six of BEHRINGER's key offices worldwide. Under a two-year contract, Verizon Business linking BEHRINGER's headquarters in Singapore with its manufacturing base in China and other primary business locations in the U.S.A., Germany and the Philippines. http://www.verizon....

New Venture Targets Digital Cinema Distribution

Warner Bros. Entertainment, Universal Pictures and Digital Cinema Implementation Partners (DCIP) have formed a joint venture for the digital delivery for digital cinema.The company said it will develop the most cost-effective form of digital content delivery through technologies such as satellite or digital terrestrial distribution. The delivery system will be open and available to any content provider, vendor or exhibitor. Under the current distribution system, individual prints of each movie are physically shipped to theaters in cans -- or hard...

Ixia's IPTV Testing Generates Realistic Video Traffic

Ixia's new Aptixia IxNetwork 5.20 application running on its Optixia hardware platform is now supporting the ability to generate and analyze IPTV video traffic over emulated IP network topologies. Engineers can now test the routing control plane and simultaneously stress the data plane by directing both real-world video traffic and packet-based network traffic over the emulated topologies. This enables them to better characterize the performance of routers/switches that deliver IPTV services.Ixia's IxNetwork characterizes the performance and scalability...

Acme Packet Extends Session Border Control Capabilities

Acme Packet introduced over 30 new features and enhancements that further extend the control capabilities of its Net-Net session border controllers (SBCs) for interconnecting IP voice (VoIP), video and multimedia networks to one another. The new features enhance security, service reach maximization, SLA assurance, revenue and profit protection and regulatory compliance.Acme Packet said the new peering features in Net-Net OS Release 5.0 enhance the precise signaling and media control required by service providers in their interconnect deployments....

ARCHOS Adds WiFi to its Mobile Touchscreen DVR

ARCHOS introduced a Portable Media Player combining WiFi and a 7-inch touch-screen and full wireless capabilities. The new 704-WiFi presents 800x480 resolution and 5x7 dimension.It features an 80 GB hard drive with the capacity to store 100 hours of video, or about 70 DVD-quality movies, as well as two high-quality speakers for enhanced audio even without headphones. The 704-WiFi also supports video downloads from the online stores.Battery life is...

BT Teams with Avaya on Contact Centre Solution

BT and Avaya are launching BT Avaya OnNet, a new service designed to enable organisations to transform their contact centre operations.The new hosted "pay-as-you-go" service means capacity and geographic location can be adjusted as consumer demands change. BT Avaya OnNet is expected to be of particular benefit to financial services, retailers and utility companies, who experience significant seasonal demand. http://www.avaya....

France Telecom Serving 577,000 IPTV Customers

As of year-end 2006, France Telecom was serving 5.9 million ADSL Orange customers in France for an estimated share of 49% of the nation's broadband market. There were 345,000 net ADSL additions in Q4 alone. In Spain, Orange is serving some 640,000 ADSL customers. There were 4.1 million LiveBox users in Europe, of which 3.4 million are in France. That means that as of the end of 2006, 58% of the company's ADSL customers were equipped with LiveBox...

TiVo and EarthLink to Bundle Services

TiVo and EarthLink announced an agreement to offer bundled Internet and television services. This brings together the stand-alone TiVo Series2 Dual Tuner DVR and TiVo service with EarthLink branded dial-up, DSL, or digital voice services.EarthLink will begin marketing the bundle later this year. In the future, the parties could utilize TiVoCast to deliver additional content via broadband to EarthLink subscribers who use the TiVo service. Specific...

AT&T Launches U-verse in Dallas-Fort Worth

AT&T launches its U-verse service in the Dallas- Fort Worth metroplex. The service will be available with more than 300 TV channels, including more than 25 HD channels, along with HD digital video recording (DVR) capability. Three tiers of Internet service are offered, the fastest of which reaches 6 Mbps in the downlink. AT&T U-verse services are now offered in parts of 14 markets across five stateshttp://www.att....

Verizon FiOS TV Adds VOD Titles in Spanish, Chinese, Hindi

Verizon has added content in Spanish, Chinese and Hindi to its FiOS TV service through an agreement with SIVOO Inc., an first Internet TV network of multicultural on-demand entertainment programming. SIVOO will provide 236 titles in Spanish, Chinese and Hindi to Verizon over three years. During March, Verizon will offer eight films each in Spanish and Hindi and three in Chinese, and SIVOO will refresh the selection monthly. The on demand films cost $3.99 each for 24 hours of viewing. http://www.verizon....

Verizon FiOS TV Adds VOD Titles in Spanish, Chinese, Hindi

Verizon has added content in Spanish, Chinese and Hindi to its FiOS TV service through an agreement with SIVOO Inc., an first Internet TV network of multicultural on-demand entertainment programming. SIVOO will provide 236 titles in Spanish, Chinese and Hindi to Verizon over three years. During March, Verizon will offer eight films each in Spanish and Hindi and three in Chinese, and SIVOO will refresh the selection monthly. The on demand films cost $3.99 each for 24 hours of viewing. http://www.verizon....

AT&T Pairs Homezone & Wireless Phones, Expands with Akimbo

Customers of AT&T's Homezone service can now manage their television recordings via wireless handsets. Customers can view listings and manage and schedule recordings on the Homezone receiver via compatible wireless phones and devices from wireless carriers. The remote programming capability was already supported via web browser.Additionally, AT&T announced that it has expanded the service's on-demand content offerings via the Internet to...

Onstream Media to Acquire Auction Video

Onstream Media Corp., which delivers live and on-demand digital media, agreed to acquire Auction Video and Auction Video Japan. Auction Video is a developer of web based, user-generated content applications that are used in social networks, video classified advertisements, online auctions and other Web 2.0 applications. Financial terms were not disclosed.One of the key components of the acquisition is the video ingestion and flash transcoder that is already integrated into Onstream Media's Digital Media Services Platform (DMSP) and an integral...

Nokia and University of Cambridge Collaborate on Nanotechnologies

Nokia and the University of Cambridge announced an agreement to work together on an extensive and long term programme of joint research projects. Specifically, Nokia Research Center (NRC) will establish a research facility at the University's West Cambridge site and will collaborate with several departments -- initially the Nanoscience Centre and Electrical Division of the Engineering Department - - on projects that, to begin with, will be centered on nanotechnology.