Germany could reduce its CO2 emissions by 207 megatons by 2020 by employing smart ICT solutions, according to a newly published study by Deutsche Telekom, Huawei, SAP, Siemens and The Boston Consulting Group.
First, the ICT sector can make a direct contribution towards climate protection by reducing its own emissions. By producing 23 Mt of CO2e in 2007, the industry was responsible for around 2 percent of emissions in Germany. With the aid of various "green ICT" measures, the study forecasts that these emissions can be reduced by more than 50 percent -- equivalent to 13 Mt of CO2e in the year 2020.
Second, the identified five core areas in which ICT solutions can help to make significant reductions in emissions: building management (Smart Buildings), logistics (Smart Logistics), electricity generation (Smart Grid), industrial automation (Smart Motors) and dematerialization. The study finds that total annual CO2e emissions in these areas can be reduced by around 194 Mt over the next ten years.

First, the ICT sector can make a direct contribution towards climate protection by reducing its own emissions. By producing 23 Mt of CO2e in 2007, the industry was responsible for around 2 percent of emissions in Germany. With the aid of various "green ICT" measures, the study forecasts that these emissions can be reduced by more than 50 percent -- equivalent to 13 Mt of CO2e in the year 2020.
Second, the identified five core areas in which ICT solutions can help to make significant reductions in emissions: building management (Smart Buildings), logistics (Smart Logistics), electricity generation (Smart Grid), industrial automation (Smart Motors) and dematerialization. The study finds that total annual CO2e emissions in these areas can be reduced by around 194 Mt over the next ten years.