Monday, November 14, 2011

SiTime Advances MEMS Timing to Replace Stratum 3 Quartz Oscillators

SiTime Corporation, which specializes in silicon MEMS timing solutions, has entered the realm of high-precision Stratum 3 compliant with a new family of devices to replace quartz oscillators in telecom and networking infrastructure such as SONET and Synchronous Ethernet based core and edge routers, wireless base stations, IP timing and smart grid applications. Sampling will begin next month.The new SiT530x family combines Stratum 3 stability with...

SiTime Advances MEMS Timing to Replace Stratum 3 Quartz Oscillators

SiTime Corporation, which specializes in silicon MEMS timing solutions, has entered the realm of high-precision Stratum 3 compliant with a new family of devices to replace quartz oscillators in telecom and networking infrastructure such as SONET and Synchronous Ethernet based core and edge routers, wireless base stations, IP timing and smart grid applications. Sampling will begin next month.The new SiT530x family combines Stratum 3 stability with...

Quantenna First with 4x4 MIMO 802.11ac Silicon

Quantenna Communications, a start-up based in Fremont, California announced its upcoming IEEE 802.11ac chipset featuring 4x4 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and digital beamforming technology.Quantenna's new QAC2300 two-chip solution includes a new 4x4 MIMO digital baseband chip that supports the latest 802.11ac specifications, combined with Quantenna's shipping radio frequency (RF) chip, which already supports 802.11ac. The company is offering...

Infinera Gains Midcontinent as New Customer

Midcontinent Communications, an independent cable operator serving the Upper Midwest, has selected Infinera's DTN platform for its latest backbone network expansion in Minnesota connecting newly acquired territories. Midcontinent delivers cable television, broadband and digital home communication services to more than 270,000 residential and business customers in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. Midcontinent first deployed Infinera's DTN Digital ROADM last year. http://www.infinera....

France Telecom-Orange and SFR Sign FTTH Deal

France Telecom-Orange and SFR signed an agreement covering the deployment of optical fiber outside very densely-populated areas of France. The deal helps to eliminate overlap between the companies' respective fiber rollouts. Of the 11 million households outside very dense areas that are covered by the fiber deployment plans drawn-up by France Telecom-Orange and SFR, 9.8 million are in agglomerations where both operators have redundant deployment...

Radisys Enhances its Mobile Security Gateway with TTG & Wi-Fi Capabilities

Radisys has enhanced its ATCA-based SEG-100 security gateway with new Tunnel Terminating Gateway (TTG) and Interworking Wireless LAN (I-WLAN) functionality for network equipment providers. The new functionality allows mobile operators to offload traffic in a secure fashion. Specifically, the enhanced SEG-100 offloads traffic using a secure 3GPP standards-based TTG connection. Previously, network equipment providers have created their own TTG...

CommScope Develops Low Count Fiber Drop Cable

CommScope introduced low-cost, Low Count Fiber Drop cable—designed specifically for true one or two fiber drop applications in FTTx networks. The Low Count Fiber Drop cable is a small (4 mm × 2 mm) lightweight (8 lbs per 1,000 ft) cable designed for easy handling and field preparations. It also eliminates the time and cost associated with bonding and grounding. CommScope said the new cable provides cable and multi-services operators the flexibility...

National LambdaRail Delivers 100G to SC11 Show in Seattle

National LambdaRail (NLR) is delivering 100G connectivity for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) presence at SC11, the global supercomputing conference being held here this week at the Washington State Convention Center. Cisco's ASR 9000 Series router system and ONS 15454 optical transport platform power the 100G connection. Cisco supplied the networking equipment in support of NOAA's activities at SC11. "Together with...

Frontier Signs with AT&T to Offer Wireless Voice and Data

Frontier Communications, which operates in 27 states, signed a 3-year with AT&T to offer Frontier customers a broad assortment of AT&T smartphones and access to its mobile broadband network. The agency agreement between Frontier and AT&T Mobility complements Frontier's robust portfolio of broadband, voice and satellite TV services. AT&T Mobility and Frontier plan to trial the offering in the first half of 2012; once operational processes are complete the offering will be available throughout Frontier's nationwide footprint. ...

Canadian Regulator Approves Capacity-based Billing for Wholesale Access

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) approved a new capacity-based billing model for large telephone and cable companies to charge independent Internet service providers (ISPs) for the wholesale use of their networks. Under the CRTC's new capacity-based approach, large telephone and cable companies will sell wholesale bandwidth to independent ISPs on a monthly basis. Independent ISPs will have to determine in...

NexGen Storage Raises $10 Million

NexGen Storage, a start-up based on Louisville, Colorado, raised $10 million in new funding for its solid-state, shared storage solutions.NexGen Storage said it solves the two key issues that have limited the adoption of virtualization -- the long-standing drawback of performance uncertainty associated with shared storage and the high operational cost of disk sprawl. The design offers up to 76 times higher storage density than a typical disk drive...

Huawei Acquires Symantec Stake in Joint Venture

Huawei Technologies acquire Symantec's 49 percent stake in Huawei Symantec Technologies Co., Ltd. for US$530 million. The deal makes Huawei the sole owner.Huawei Symantec is a Hong Kong-based joint venture established by Huawei and Symantec in 2008.The company provides security, storage and systems management solutions. It holds more than 900 patents in important network security and storage technologies."I am thrilled that Huawei Symantec will become...