Thursday, February 16, 2012

German Union Workers Visit T-Mobile USA

Thirteen Deutsche Telekom/T-Mobile workers, all members of the German union ver.di, and a member of Germany’s Bundestag will visit T-Mobile USA workers in Tennessee and Texas this week to see first hand how T-Mobile USA workers who want union representation are treated.The group is concerned about workers' rights at T-Mobile USA and how they differ from employment conditions in Germany. http://www.cwa-union.orgIn April 2010, ver.di, the union representing workers at Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile operations in Germany, the Communications Workers...

Congress Grants Incentive Auction Authority to the FCC

In passing the "Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012", the U.S. Congress also granted voluntary incentive auction authority to the FCC and paved the way for a nationwide interoperable public safety broadband network. "For years, TIA has advocated for this legislation and we are incredibly impressed with all players – Congress, the White House, the FCC, and industry – who contributed to this long-awaited and monumental achievement,�? said TIA President Grant Seiffert. “Key provisions of the Act will create certainty for the market...

Barcelona Public Transport Strike to Coincide with MWC

A public transport strike has been announced in Barcelona coinciding with Mobile World Congress, which will be held 27th February through 1st March 2012.The GSMA said it is putting in place contingency plans to ensure that all participants of the Mobile World Congress have unfettered access to and from the Fira during all days of the event. http://www.gsm....