Thursday, January 1, 2004

Texas-Based Cirro Energy Enters Telecom Business

Cirro Energy, a competitive electricity provider in Dallas, Texas announced its entrance into the telecommunications market with the launch of its "Cirro NetworX" division. Cirro Energy will now offer local and long distance telephone service, integrated voice and data services, Frame Relay / ATM / VPNs, VoIP and network consulting in addition to electricity. Cirro has acquired Network/nSight, a North Texas based telecommunications services companyhttp://www.cirroenergy.comCirro Energy is headed by Timothy W. Rogers, who previously co-founded...

U.S. DoD Awards GIG-BE Contracts

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) selected Science Applications International Corporation's (SAIC's) to build its Global Information Grid - Bandwidth Expansion (GIG-BE) system.GIG-BE is designed to enhance the Defense Department's network infrastructure to operate at 10 Gbps in support of voice, data, video, and transport services among more than 100 key locations worldwide. Analysts estimated the cost of the project in the hundreds of millions of dollars.SAIC has awarded a number of subcontracts under the project: Ciena for optical...

Agere Acquires TeraBlaze for Gig E Switching Silicon

Agere Systems acquired TeraBlaze, a start-up based in Cupertino, California, for about $21 million in stock. TeraBlaze is developing Gigabit Ethernet switching solutions for SOHO (small office, home office) and enterprise applications. All 16 TeraBlaze employees will join Agere, including TeraBlaze founder and CEO Shankar Mukherjee. In August 2003, Agere acquired Massana, a privately held provider of GbE physical layer device (PHY) solutions. Based on the TruePHY technology Agere developed through this acquisition, the company is also announcing...