At an event in San Francisco, Google announced important updates to its Cloud Platform. Here are some highlights.
Google Container Engine -- provides the ability to run Docker containers in Google compute clusters, powered by Kubernetes. Docker containers bring workload mobility, making it easier to move applications between development machines, on-premise systems, and the public cloud.
Google Cloud Interconnect via three new connectivity options:
- Direct Peering - a fast network pipe directly to Google in over 70 points of presence in 33 countries around the world.
- Carrier Interconnect - connect to Google through 7 new carrier partners including Verizon, Equinix, IX Reach, Level 3, TATA Communications, Telx, and Zayo.
- VPN Connectivity - Google is planning to introduce VPN-based connectivity for customers to create a secure line directly to Google over the public Internet.
(more networking news expected on Wednesday)
Firebase Mobile Solution -- Richer Realtime Queries is generally available. Mobile Developers can now sort and filter their Firebase data by arbitrary fields, making Firebase apps faster and easier to build. Triggers, which will be available later this year, enables developers to define webhooks that are sent to external APIs when certain conditions are met.
Price reductions -- Network egress (47%), BigQuery storage (23%), Persistent Disk Snapshots (79%), Persistent Disk SSD (48%), and Cloud SQL (25%). These are in addition to the 10% reduction on Google Compute Engine that we announced at the beginning of October and reflect our commitment to make sure you benefit from increased efficiency and falling hardware prices.
Google Cloud Debugger -- making it easier to troubleshoot cloud applications.
Google Compute Engine Autoscaler -- uses the same technology that Google uses to seamlessly handle huge spikes in load and gives developers the ability to dynamically resize a VM fleet in response to utilization and based on a wide array of signals, from QPS of a HTTP Load Balancer, to VM CPU utilization, or custom metrics from the Cloud Monitoring service.
Bitnami announced its Launchpad for Google Cloud Platform -- almost 100 additional apps and development environments.
Fastly announced a collaboration with Google Cloud Platform, that improves content delivery and performance at the edge.