Wednesday, November 9, 2005

RCN Tests 20 Mbps Cable Modem Service in Wash DC and Boston markets

RCN has successfully tested 20 Mbps high-speed data service over its cable networks in the Washington, D.C. and Boston markets. Some highlights from the company's quarterly financial report:Third quarter 2005 revenue of $138.8 million decreased 1.4% from $140.7 million in the third quarter of 2004 and 1.8% from $141.4 million in the second quarter of 2005.Third quarter 2005 ending subscribers were approximately 411,000 versus approximately 429,000 in the third quarter of 2004 and approximately 413,000 in the second quarter of 2005.Third quarter...

WiMAX Forum Members Demo Interoperability

The second WiMAX Forum Plugfest was held last week to identify interoperability problems and different interpretations of standards, foster open technical discussions, and help refine interoperability testing for future certification testing. Participants represented a wide spectrum of leading companies in the telecommunications industry, including Airspan Networks Inc., Alvarion, Aperto Networks, Axxcelera Broadband Wireless, Huawei Technologies, PicoChip, Proxim Wireless, Redline Communications, SEQUANS Communications, Wavesat Wireless Inc.,...

Westell Integrates Entropic Chipset for BB Gateway

Westell is using Entropic's c.LINK 270 chipset for its new line of home networking routers for IPTV and video delivery. Westell's UltraLine II is a broadband gateway that provides for delivery of full-motion video using built-in QoS, over a variety of LAN and WAN access delivery systems including Ethernet for FTTP, VDSL2, and Bonded ADSL2+. To simplify installation and eliminate the need for new wiring, a single connection links the UltraLine II to the customer's existing in-home coaxial cabling, providing 100 Mbps of network throughput around...

NRTC Inks IPTV Deal With SES AMERICOM for Rural Telcos

The National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC) signed a multi-year agreement with SES AMERICOM to offer IPTV services to nearly one thousand independent and local telcos across the U.S. using SES AMERICOM's "IP-PRIME" distribution platform. The centralized, satellite-delivered IPTV solution originates from SES AMERICOM's IPTV Broadcast Center in Vernon Valley, New Jersey, where high-end video programming and content is received, processed, and then transported by SES AMERICOM's AMC-9 satellite to authorized video hubs nationwide. The...

Whitacre to Serve as Chairman & CEO of New AT&T

Edward E. Whitacre Jr., 64, will serve as the Chairman & CEO of the new AT&T. The SBC acquisition of AT&T is expected to close later this month. The company announced the following appointments for its senior management team:James W. Callaway, 59, group president-merger transition.James Cicconi, 53, senior executive vice president-external and legislative affairs, responsible for managing the company's public policy organization.James...

Nortel Supplies Broadband in World's Tallest Residential Tower

Nortel has supplied a broadband network for Australia'sQ1 tower, which at 80 floors is the world's tallest residential building. Nortel's Ethernet switched infrastructure is provided to each apartment.Q1, which is located in the Gold Coast resort town of Surfer's Paradise, features 526 apartments, 80 floors, conference facilities, ground floor retail outlets, sandy beach lagoon swimming pool, spa, sauna and fitness centre, and Australia's only beachside observation deck.http://www.nortel....

Bush Nominates Copps, Tate for FCC Posts

President Bush nominated Michael J. Copps, of Virginia, for a new five year term as FCC Commissioner from July 1, 2005. It would be Copp's second term in the post. Copps is a Democrat.Bush nominated Deborah Taylor Tate, of Tennessee, to serve as FCC Commissioner for the remainder of the term held by former FCC Chair Michael Powell, who resigned earlier this year. This term expires June 30, 2007. Tate, who is a Republican, currently serves on the...

Agilent Lands $14.5 Million OSS Order with VSNL, Tata

Agilent Technologies announced a $14.5 million order with India's primary communications service providers Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (VSNL) and Tata Teleservices Ltd. (TTSL). The companies will use the Agilent OSS solutions to form their centralized network management system (CNMS) located in Mumbai. The CNMS will manage the service providers' international and nationwide telecommunications services, ensuring high quality of service and optimal customer satisfaction while streamlining network operations. The deployment includes the Agilent OSS...

SkyTerra to Acquire the Remainder of Hughes Network Systems

SkyTerra agreed to acquire the remaining 50% of the Class A membership interests of Hughes Network Systems not already owned by SkyTerra from The DIRECTV Group for $100 million in cash. http://www.skyterracom.comIn December 2004, SkyTerra Communications acquired 50% of a new entity that will contain the assets of Hughes Network Systems (HNS) in a transaction that values HNS at approximately $360 million. HNS, which is based in Germantown, Md., is a wholly owned subsidiary of The DIRECTV Group. After two separate divestitures completed earlier...

Micromuse Teams with Alcatel on IPTV BSS/OSS

Micromuse is participating in a demonstration of IPTV BSS/OSS on permanent display at Alcatel's Plano-based Operational Support Systems Integrations Laboratory. The Alcatel IPTV BSS/OSS demonstration focuses on how service providers can construct their OSS to ensure faster and more accurate delivery and quality of triple play services through integrated next generation solutions for service assurance and performance management. As part of a complete OSS, Micromuse's Netcool suite, including Netcool/Realtime Active Dashboards and Netcool/Proviso...

Cisco Delivers 50,000 Broadband Remote Access Routers (B-RAS)

Cisco Systems has surpassed 50,000 routers deployed in more than 400 customers specifically for broadband aggregation, a networking solution area comprised of broadband remote access servers, or B-RAS, which deliver broadband services at the edge of a service provider network. Major customers that have deployed Cisco routers for broadband aggregation include Telefónica de España, EarthLink, Telecom Italia, China Network Communications Group and China Unicom.The Cisco broadband aggregation portfolio includes the Cisco 7200, 7300, 7600, and 10000...

PGA Launches Internet TV Channel with 800 kbps Streaming

The Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) is launching its own broadcast channel with 800 kbps video streaming over the Internet. The live and on-demand coverage of golf and related activities aims to be near broadcast quality video. http://www.pga.c...

AT&T Invests in Clovis for Open OSS

AT&T has made an equity investment in Clovis Solutions, a start-up based in Petaluma, California, whose software-based solutions help to facilitate an open-network, open-architecture environment and provide a common-standard OSS platform for network nodes with common management plane practices. Financial terms were not disclosed.Clovis has developed a System Infrastructure Software Platform (SISP) that enables communication customers to efficiently create embedded platform software. The components of SISP - Blade Director, System Director,...

BT Reports Growth in New Wave Service, 6.2 Million Wholesale DSL

BT reported quarterly revenue of GBP 4,822 million, up 5% in the quarter with the continued strong growth of new wave revenue more than offsetting the decline in traditional revenue. Some highlights:The strong growth in new wave revenue continued and at GBP 1,439 million was 39 per cent higher than last year. New wave revenue accounted for 30 per cent of the group's revenue compared to 22 per cent in the second quarter of last year. New wave revenue is mainly generated from networked IT services, broadband and mobility. Networked IT services revenue...

CA Combines its Performance Mgt with OPNET's Capacity Planning

Computer Associates and OPNET Technologies announced a global sales and marketing agreement that combines CA's performance monitoring, trend analysis, and reporting solutions with OPNET's s modeling and capacity planning products. The OPNET products include its IT Guru platform with Server and Mainframe Modeling modules adapted for CA products, and OPNET's Application Characterization Environment. The agreement also includes terms for OPNET and CA to cooperate in offering professional services and support.The combination enables enterprises to...