Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Connectivity Declaration Seeks Universal Internet Access

On Friday, the leaders of 193 nations meeting at the United Nations formally adopted the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, which sets 2030 targets for fighting inequality, protecting our planet, and ending extreme poverty. The agreement includes a Connectivity Declaration demanding Internet access for all in the Least-Developed Countries by 2020. The Connectivity Declaration: "I believe: Internet access is essential for achieving humanity's...

Ericsson: IT is Key to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Information technology and universal access to the Internet are key to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, according to a study by Ericsson and the Earth Institute at Columbia University. The U.N.'s new agreed Sustainable Development Goals call for several breakthroughs by the year 2030, including an end to extreme poverty and hunger, while improving access to health care and education, protecting the environment...

Sprint to Sit Out 600 MHz Incentive Auction

Sprint has decided not to participate in the FCC's 600 MHz incentive auction next year.  In a blog posting, the company said its current spectrum holdings "are sufficient to provide its current and future customers great network coverage and be able to provide the consistent reliability, capacity, and speed that its customers demand." “Sprint’s focus and overarching imperative must be on improving its network and market position in the immediate...