Monday, June 13, 2011

Telefónica and Orange Business Interconnect with Telepresence

Telefónica International Wholesale Services and Orange Business Services agreed to interconnect their telepresence services. The companies said the agreement is an important step forward in creating an open environment that allows customers of various telepresence providers open access to connect across a much broader business ecosystem.Specifically, Orange Business Services and Telefónica International Wholesale Services have teamed with Polycom and other leading service providers from around the world to launch the new Open Visual Communications...

RAD Unveils Point-to-Multipoint Ethernet Radio

RAD Data Communications introduced its new Airmux-5000 carrier-class point-to-multipoint Ethernet radio system featuring 200 Mbps of aggregate throughput over unlicensed links, coupled with an ability to supply a guaranteed bandwidth SLA per subscriber.The Airmux-5000 operates over 4.9 to 6 GHz frequencies. It leverages MIMO and OFDM, which ensures nLOS (non-line-of-sight and near-line-of-sight) deployment, to transmit more throughput over less...

Apple and Nokia Settle All Litigation

Nokia and Apple signed a patent license agreement and settled all pending litigation between the companies. Nokia and Apple will also withdraw their respective complaints to the US International Trade Commission. The financial structure of the agreement consists of a one-time payment payable by Apple and on-going royalties to be paid by Apple to Nokia for the term of the agreement. The specific terms of the contract are confidential.

CableLabs Defines a Converged Cable Access Platform

CableLabs issued a new technical report defining a new device that facilitates the evolution to a converged access network architecture. The report, which represents consensus requirements from Comcast, Cox, Time Warner Cable and other CableLabs members, consolidates core interface requirements previously referred to as CMAP and CESAR.The Converged Cable Access Platform (CCAP) integrates the functions of broadcast and narrowcast quadrature amplitude...

PAETEC Hails Supreme Court Ruling over AT&T

PAETEC hailed a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last week that AT&T must lease existing entrance facilities used for interconnection purposes to PAETEC and other competitive carriers at cost-based rates. The case involved a dispute between Talk America (recently acquired by PAETEC) and Michigan Bell Telephone Company dba AT&T Michigan. The Supreme Court held that interconnection is an independent obligation and must be available to competitive...

Ericsson to acquire Telcordia, Bolstering Role in OSS

Ericsson has agreed to acquire Telcordia for US$1.15 billion in cash. The deal creates a leader in Service Fulfilment, Service Assurance and Network Optimization and gives Ericsson a leading position in real-time charging and significant capabilities to support operators end to end. Telcordia, which is headquartered in Piscataway, New Jersey, generated revenues of US$739 million during the last fiscal year. The company supplies mobile, broadband...

Telia and Telenor Enter Network Sharing Deal

Telia and Telenor announced a network infrastructure sharing deal in Denmark. The agreement is expected to result in lower cost for both operators and faster rollout of 4G. "The decision to merge our network investments and network competencies is a real milestone. Together, we will create Denmark's best mobile network and thereby provide the best customer experience within smartphones, tablets and mobile broadband," say Søren Abildgaard, CEO, Telia,...

Polaris Wireless Discusses Privacy and Reliability in its OmniLocate Platform

Polaris Wireless, which supplies high-accuracy, software-based wireless location solutions, highlighted the carrier-grade reliability and privacy safeguards of its OmniLocate universal location platform. OmniLocate is a universal wireless location platform, providing location capabilities across 2G (GSM/CDMA), 3G (UMTS/WCDMA), and LTE air interfaces, as well as indoor technologies such as Wi-Fi, DAS, and Femtocells. It is used by network operators...

Procera Reports Follow-On Order from European Mobile Operator

Procera Networks announced a $2.2 million follow-on order for its PacketLogic platform from a European mobile operator. The additional systems will support the operator's capacity expansion and subscriber growth. Procera expects to recognize the majority of the revenue from this follow-on order in its 2011 second quarter, which ends June 30, 2011. Procera's PacketLogic enables service providers to get visibility into the behavior of their subscribers, the applications they use, and the adoption of new services to ensure good Quality of Experience...

NETASQ Selects IP Infusion for Network Security

NETASQ has selected IP Infusion's ZebOS software to expand the capabilities of its full range of security products. This includes adding Layer 2 and 3 routing support for Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) and Border Gateway Protection (BGP) for IPv4/IPv6. http://www.ipinfusion....

Ekinops Debuts Ethernet Switching and Routing Products

Ekinops has expanded its optical transport solution with the introduction of a line of integrated, highly scalable Layer 1, 2 and 3 Ethernet switching and routing solutions that span the network edge to the core. The products are being offered in partnership with a leading supplier of Ethernet switching and routing technology (name not disclosed).The new solutions, all MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum) certified, offer operational simplicity. Their flexibility...