Monday, July 12, 2010

M.A.D. Offers Enterprise Security for iPhones, iPads

M.A.D. Partners released a cloud-based, enterprise mobile security solution that forces all iPhone, iPad and iTouch traffic through a fully managed firewall. Mobile Active Defense Enterprise UTM (Unified Threat Management) provides email security, anti-virus, spam and malware detection and removal, encryption, VPN, a granular policy driven firewall, inventory control, provisioning, compliance filtering and extensive reporting. http://www.mobileactivedefense....

Internet2 and NOAA to Build New Climate Research Network

Internet2 and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced plans for a new high capacity research network called "NWave" that will be built using 10 Gbps dedicated waves on the national Internet2 Network. NWave, which is funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), will provide dedicated, high speed, and high capacity connection between climate and weather researchers and NOAA's key high performance computing...

Harmonic Milestone: One Million QAMs Shipped

Harmonic announced a company milestone -- the shipment of more than one million QAMs to cable service providers worldwide. Harmonic's edgeQAM technology powers video-on-demand (VOD), broadcast, switched digital video (SDV), modular cable modem termination system (M-CMTS) and cable IPTV services that serve more than 50 million cable TV subscribers around the world. The company said eighteen of the 20 largest MSOs in the United States, in addition to Tier 1 MSOs in Europe and Asia, have deployed Harmonic's NSG edgeQAMs. http://www.harmonicinc....

Level 3 Connects at Equinix London

Level 3 Communications has activated a new access node in Equinix's International Business Exchange (IBX) London 4/London5 (LD4/5) data center campus located on the outskirts of London. The access node will link the Equinix LD4/5 IBX campus directly with three of Level 3's transatlantic routes to New York, improving diversity and lowering the latency on the route between the UK and North America. Specifically, the new access node provides direct...

Amazon Debuts High-performance Computing (HPC) Cloud Service is launching a high-performance computing (HPC) cloud service that enables applications to run up to 8.5X faster than its existing cloud computing offering.Cluster Compute Instances for Amazon EC2 is designed for high-performance computing (HPC) applications and other demanding network-bound applications. Amazon said it is able to deliver the same high compute and networking performance provided by custom-built infrastructure while benefiting...

BridgeWave Cites Growing Adoption of Millimeter Wave Backhaul

The overall 60-70-80 GHz market increased 46 percent globally from 2008 to 2009 even as the overall point-to-point (PTP) microwave radio market declined almost 11 percent, according to a new market report from EJL Wireless Research. In addition, FCC registration data in 2010 for 70/80 GHz installations increased over 400 percent compared to 2009. BridgeWave Communications, which is listed in the report as the leading global supplier of 60-70-80...

Slic Selects Occam for GPON Deployment

Slic Network Solutions, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nicholville Telephone, has chosen Occam Networks' BLC 6000 multiservice access platform (MSAP) to deliver advanced broadband services to more than 700 households and 39 businesses and anchor institutions in remote western Franklin County, NY. As part of a $5.2 million broadband stimulus fiber project, Slic will offer triple play services including three tiers of high-speed Internet and IPTV. The project will be funded through a combination of Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP) grants and loans...

Sycamore Targets Adaptive Content Optimization for the RAN

Sycamore Networks is developing mobile broadband optimization solution aimed at dramatically reducing congestion in the radio access network caused by rising demand for Internet video and other rich media applications. The goal is to reduce the traffic traveling across the RAN by looking into the user content flows and optimally delivering the content.Sycamore said its forthcoming IQstream mobile broadband optimization solution will dynamically...

Alvarion to Support TDD-LTE

Alvarion will support the forthcoming TD-LTE standard as part of its flagship 4Motion WiMAX platform, which encompasses its BreezeMAX family of base stations and antennas, ASN-GWgateways, and OSS/BSS solutions. Alvarion's strategy is to continue to actively drive WiMAX standardization activities, ecosystem development and WiMAX products. However, the company will also extend support for 4G networks that use TDD (Time Division Duplexing) spectrum,...

Tyco Electronics to Acquire ADC for $1.25 Billion

Tyco Electronics agreed to acquire ADC for $12.75 per share in cash, or an enterprise value of approximately $1.25 billion. The deal will position Tyco Electronics' Network Solutions segment as a leading global provider of broadband connectivity products to carrier and enterprise networks. ADC's connectivity product portfolio provides end-to-end network infrastructure solutions for central office, data center, outside plant and wireless network...

GSA Tracks Rapid Rise in HSPA Devices on the Market

The number of HSPA mobile broadband devices launched in the market has soared to 2,579 according to the Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA), which represents GSM/EDGE/WCDMA-HSPA/LTE suppliers.This represents more than 48% expansion in the number of HSPA devices on the market since October 2009. The number of suppliers increased from 190 to 235 in the same period.Some other notes:The number of devices supporting HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet...