Thursday, January 31, 2008

Huawei Installs CDMA2000 network for Indonesia's Telkom

Huawei Technologies has supplied a CDMA2000 network for PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom). The project that started in May 2007 and took just five months to complete. Currently, Huawei infrastructure covers over half of Telkom's national network, which encompasses the areas of Jakarta, West Java, Center Java and Sumatera. Financial terms were not disclosed.http://www.huawei....

Pirelli Labs Spins Out New Company Focused on Nanotech Photonics

Pirelli will soon incorporate a new company to focus on second generation photonics based on nanotechnologies. The company will be the result of integration between the photonics business unit of Pirelli Broadband Solutions and the Optical Innovation division of Pirelli Labs.Pirelli said the new company will focus on innovative optical components, optical modules, and transportation systems. It has a growing product portfolio and significant know-how...

FCC Amends Video Leased Access Rules

The FCC adopted rules aimed at promoting video programming diversity. Cable operators are required by statute to set aside channel capacity for commercial use by unaffiliated video programmers (leased access channels). However, in its most recent annual cable price survey, the FCC found that cable systems on average carry only 0.7 leased access channels. The new Order tries to remove several obstacles that may be hindering the use of leased access...

FCC and USDA Launch Web Site for Rural Broadband

The FCC and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have launched a new website for those in rural America looking to bring the benefits of broadband services to their communities. The site provides information on the different technology platforms that can be used toprovide broadband service, how to access spectrum necessary for delivery of wireless broadband services, government funding for broadband services, relevant FCC and USDA proceedings and initiatives, and data on broadband deployment. In addition, the site provides instructions...

Ericsson: Mobile Sales Growth Slowed in 2007, 3.3 Billion Mobile Users Worldwide

During 2007, Ericsson experience a rapid build out of mobile communications in emerging markets along with a decline in network expansions and upgrades in mature markets, resulting in lower overall margins. The year-over-year sales for Q4 2007 were flat due to less spending from operators on network infrastructure and a continued weakened USD. About 50% of sales are USD related. For the full year, the sales increase amounted to 4%. In constant currencies, estimated organic growth was 8%.Operating income amounted to SEK 7.6 (12.2) b. in the quarter...