Thursday, August 23, 2012

FCC Approves Verizon Wireless-SpectrumCo Deal

The FCC approved the Verizon Wireless-SpectrumCo deal, subject to the following conditions: the assignment of AWS-1 licenses held by Cox and SpectrumCo (a joint venture among subsidiaries of Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Bright House Networks) to Verizon Wireless; a spectrum swap between Verizon Wireless and Leap; and Verizon Wireless’s net assignment of AWS-1 licenses to T-Mobile. The deal is also subject to the Consent Decree between...

Saudi Aramco Suffers Shamoon Attack and New Threat

Saudi Aramco, the world's largest oil company, is believed to have suffered damage to three-quarters of its computers when it was hit by the Shamoon virus earlier this month, according to The New York Times and other sources. The attackers are believed to be a group called "Cutting Sword of Justice", possibly linked to Iran, making the attack a political statement against the oil policies of the Saudi government. The group is threatening further...

China Telecom Sees Growth from 3G Mobile

China Telecom's revenues rose 14.8% in the first half of 2012 to RMB 138.0 billion (US$21.7 billion), up by 14.8%. Excluding the mobile terminalssales, operating revenues reached RMB 126,580 million, up by 11.2%. Profits beat expectations, coming in at RMB 8.8 billion with EPS of RMB 0.11. Some company highlights from the first half of 2012: Total number of mobile subscribers reached 144 million, representing a net addition of 17.71 million...