Monday, June 20, 2016

Docker Brings Built-in Container Orchestration

Docker is adding built-in orchestration capabilities to it Docker Engine, thereby enabling developers and IT organization to form a self-organizing, self-healing pool of machines on which to run multi-container distributed applications – both traditional apps and microservices – at scale in production. Specifically, Docker 1.12 will offer an optional “Swarm mode” feature that users can select to “turn on” built-in orchestration, or they can also...

Weaveworks Debuts Microservices Console

Weaveworks, a start-up that offers networking and monitoring software for containers and microservices, today announced the public beta of Weave Cloud, a microservices console allowing developers and operations to quickly connect, visualize and monitor containers and microservices, regardless of the orchestrator. The console can be used to connect and manage containers and microservices, bridging the gap between the orchestration platform and the...

Datadog Sees Docker Deployments Increasing

Docker market share has grown 30% in one year with larger enterprise companies leading adoption, according to a recent survey by Datadog, which offers a monitoring service for dynamic cloud infrastructure. Datadog’s Docker Adoption Research was based on a sample of 10,000 companies and tracks real usage, making it the largest and most accurate review of Docker adoption published to date. Datadog found that two-thirds of companies that try Docker...

Dell Launches New High Performance Computing Portfolio

Dell launched a new a family of high-performance computing (HPC) systems tuned for specific science, manufacturing and analytics workloads with fully tested and validated building block systems, backed by a single point of hardware support and additional service options across the solution lifecycle. Dell's new HPC Systems feature an Intel Scalable System Framework configuration with the latest Xeon processors, support for Intel Omni-Path Architecture...

Aviatrix's Project Skyhook Aims to Manage Distributed Container Clusters

Aviatrix Systems,a start-up based in Santa Clara, California, announced Project Skyhook to securely connect container groups and enforce policies across distributed hybrid and public clouds. The project builds on Aviatrix’s cloud native networking software which provides centralized network connectivity, management, and security of applications running on virtual machines. Specifically, Project Skyhook aims to provide the missing connectivity and...

Platform9 Managed Kubernetes Supports Docker

Plarform9 announced support for Docker containers with its enterprises-ready, container management and orchestration platform, which is based on Kubernetes. Platform9 said Kubernetes is the leader among a new class of container management frameworks because it provides features such as service discovery, load balancing and application lifecycle management. Platform9 adds features such as single sign on (SSO), role-based access control (RBAC) and...