Thursday, February 23, 2006

Optovia's SpanExpress Optical Amplifier Extends SANs to 200km

Optovia, a start-up based in Acton, Massachusetts, introduced its "SpanExpress" optical amplifier designed to storage area networks (SANs) up to 200km without the cost, complexity and risks associated with mid-span amplification.SpanExpress is a rack-mountable, optical line system that is utilized between the storage devices at the local and remote data centers.Currently, optical transport solutions rely on the optical signal being boosted periodically...

Cisco to Resell TAZZ IP Policy Control Platform

Cisco Systems will resell TAZZ Networks' IP network policy control platform as the Cisco Broadband Policy Manager under a global distribution agreement. The initial market focus will be on triple play deployments of major service providers. The long-term focus is to help transition legacy networks to next generation architectures -- 3GPP IMS and ETSI TISPAN.TAZZ likens its IP policy control platform to an air traffic control system for next generation network applications. As such, it coordinates the admission of applications and subscribers...

Vyatta Develops Open Source Routing

Vyatta, a start-up based in San Mateo, California, launched an online community aimed at developing an open source routing alternative to Cisco and Juniper.A beta version of the Vyatta Open Flexible Router (OFR) is currently available for download.Vyatta said its community will bring together users and developers "to advance the cause of open source networking as a flexible, cost-effective, and secure alternative to the incumbent, closed source solutions." "Vyatta" is a Sanskrit word meaning "open."http://www.vyatta.comVyatta is headed by Allan...

NTT DoCoMo Experiment Achieves 2.5 Gbps Wireless Downlink Speed

NTT DoCoMo reported achieving an astonishing 2.5 Gbps wireless packet transmission in the downlink while moving at 20 km/h by using MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) techniques. The fourth-generation (4G) radio access field experiment took place in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture on December 14, 2005.DoCoMo achieved a maximum 1 Gbps speed in a similar field experiment on May 9, 2005. This time, by increasing the number of MIMO transmission antennas from four to six and by using 64-QAM, data volume per...

Intrado Signs Partners for Mobile VoIP E9-1-1 Delivery

Intrado announced agreements with three leading location determination technology vendors, Rosum Corporation, S5 Wireless, Inc. and Skyhook Wireless Inc. aimed at providing a more mobile-oriented VoIP E9-1-1 solution. Intrado said the partnerships reflect the growing importance of location determination in VoIP E9-1-1 service delivery. Intrado will work with these companies to demonstrate a range of location determination solutions and their ability to integrate into Intrado V9-1-1 Services."As VoIP moves towards fixed mobile convergence, location...

Orange to Launch Fixed-Line Business Service in UK

Orange introduced a fixed line service for small and medium-sized enterprises, the first to be offered in the UK by a mobile operator. Orange is providing the service following Ofcom's Wholesale Line Rental programme, under which BT is obliged to allow operators to offer both line rental and calls to customers over its network. Orange said it will provide a single point of customer service and call charges up to 20% less than BT.

Motorola Completes Kreatel Acquisitions, Linux-based STBs

Motorola completed its previously announced acquisition of Kreatel Communications, a supplier of Linux-based set-top boxes. Kreatel's management team and employees will remain based in Linkoping, Sweden, and be integrated into the Motorola Connected Home Solutions business.Kreatel's Linux-based solution extends into the application and middleware layers, allowing it to be used with a broad set of middleware solutions. Kreatel's customer base includes such major service providers as Telefonica (Spain), TeliaSonera (Sweden), and KPN (The Netherlands)....

TI Announces DaVinci Technology for Digital Cameras

Texas Instruments introduced its "DaVinci" technology optimized for the digital still camera market. The processor will support camera resolutions up to 16 megapixels (MP) and offer a high-definition video capture mode greater than 30 frames per second at 720P resolution. TI said camera manufacturers can use designs that capture images using a completely customized software image pipeline or a hard-wired image pipeline with image processing of up to 75 MP/second. HD video can also be captured with instant playback on the camera or on any computer...

Sony Promotes "Share Everywhere" Digital Photography

Sony is launching a "Share Everywhere" program that will give its ImageStation members photo sharing capabilities through web-enabled camera phones, televisions, computers, and portable entertainment systems.One element of the program is Sony's new Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition 2.0 (J2ME) application developed for distribution through wireless carriers. With this application, ImageStation members can use their web-enabled camera phones to access, view, upload and share photos and video clips through an easy-to-use interface. The application will...