Saturday, December 7, 2013

IBM Develops Cloud-to-Cloud Migration Software

IBM introduced a cloud storage toolkit for dynamically migrating data across multiple clouds. IBM said its new software employs a "cloud-of-clouds" approach that invokes the resilience of separate clouds to offer stronger protection against service outages and data loss than any single cloud can deliver. Specifically, The toolkit uses an "object storage" interface that permits clients to drag and drop files to be backed up or shared on the cloud(s)...

Google Brings a New Look to Cloud Platform Icons

In a cosmetic change, Google updated the icons used to represent all of the services in its cloud portfolio. The update officially retires the "Sharkon" aircraft engine icon that has stood for the Google App Engine.

SILK-Afghanistan Project Connects to GEANT

The SILK-Afghanistan project, an academic network linking universities in Afghanistan, has recently doubled its longhaul capacity to the pan-European GÉANT network from 75 Mbps to 155 Mbps.  The project is jointly funded by NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Programme and the U.S. Department of State. The Afghan academic research network has also joined the pan-Asian TEIN research and education networking project and hopes to establish a...