Thursday, May 26, 2005

Infineon Announces VDSL2/ADSL2+ Silicon

Infineon Technologies is extending its DSL silicon portfolio with VINAX, a VDSL2/ADSL2+ end-to-end solution positioned for Triple Play services such as multi-channel HDTV, on-line/on-demand gaming and video applications, VoIP and high-speed Internet access. The new Infineon VINAX chipset drives symmetric 100 Mbps over copper wires at distances greater than 350 meters (1150 ft), doubling the loop reach performance of existing VDSL solutions. Infineon said VINAX is fully compliant to the new VDSL2/ G.993.2 (Very-High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line...

ITU Approves VDSL2 Standard

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) officially approved the very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line 2 (VDSL2) standard.The new VDSL2 Recommendation (ITU-T G.993.2) delivers up to 100 Mbps both up and downstream, a ten-fold increase over "plain vanilla" ADSL.Yoichi Maeda, chairman of the ITU Telecommunications Standardization Sector (ITU-T) Study Group responsible for the work, said: "We have leveraged the strengths of ADSL, ADSL2+, and VDSL to achieve the very high performance levels you will see with VDSL2. This new standard is...

SIPquest Appoints CEO

SIPquest, a developer of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) based IP Telephony software applications, named David Hattey as its president, CEO, replacing co-founder and current CEO, Alain Mouttham, who stepped down for personal reasons. Mouttham will continue to serve on the company's board and as CTO. Hattey previously served as Vice President and General Manager, Enterprise Voice Solutions at 3Com.http://www.sipquest....

Verio Provides IPv6 Service to UltraDNS

Verio, a subsidiary of NTT Communications, will provide its IPv6 Gateway Services to Internet access customer UltraDNS, a provider of managed DNS services. The company currently manages more than 12 million domains, representing approximately a 20% share of the global domain market. The IPv6 services UltraDNS provides to its customer base expand beyond the United States, reaching to Hong Kong and London, making IPv6 an option for international customers. http://www.verio....

Pace Micro Lands Set-Top Contract with Comcast

Pace Micro Technology was awarded a multi-year set-top box contract by Comcast. In addition, Comcast has agreed to license Pace's EngineWare software platform and related set-top box technology and to work with Pace on the joint development of next-generation set-top boxes and related technologies. The total price expected to be paid for the set-top boxes over a three-year period is between approximately $375 million and $550 million based on the type of Pace boxes that Comcast may order. Under the new agreement, which supersedes an earlier set-top...

European Regulators See High International Roaming Charges

Regulators from 32 European countries agreed to coordinate their efforts to address the very high retail charges for mobile international roaming services. The European Regulators Group (ERG) said the exorbitant charges appear to result both from high wholesale charges levied by the foreign host network operator and also, in many cases, from high retail mark-ups charged by the customer's own network operator. Reductions in wholesale charges are not being passed on to consumers. Furthermore, consumers often lack clear information on what they...