Monday, May 19, 2014

Cisco Live! - Tomorrow Starts Here

Cisco kicked off its 25th annual customer show with the theme of "Tomorrow Starts Here" and a big emphasis on two initiatives: the Internet of Everything and its new Application Centric Infrastructure. In a keynote address in San Francisco to a registered crowd of 25,000 + 200,000 online viewers, Cisco's CEO John Chambers began by saying that he expects the next few years will bring "a brutal consolidation to the networking industry. " Cisco has...

Verizon's XLTE 2X Bandwidth Leverages AWS Spectrum

Verizon Wireless kicked off a marketing campaign to promote XLTE – its new network architecture that aggregates AWS spectrum with the company's existing 700 MHz spectrum to deliver 2x the capacity of regular LTE. XLTE Ready devices automatically access both 700 MHz spectrum and the AWS spectrum in XLTE cities.  Customers with 4G LTE devices operating solely on the 700 MHz spectrum in XLTE markets also benefit from the extra capacity created...

Cisco Unveils Android-powered, Touchscreen Collaboration Screen

Cisco introduced an Android-based desktop collaboration screen that consolidates Cisco IP phone, HD video conferencing, Web browsing, whiteboarding and collaboration tools. It features a hardened version of Android, H.265 codecs, and four wide-band microphones with dynamic noise reduction technology. The device is open for 3rd party applications. Two versions will be offered with pricing for a 24-inch touchscreen version at under $2,000. +Cisco...

NORDUnet Picks Ciena's Packet/Optical

NORDUnet, an international collaboration between the Nordic national computer networks for research and education (R&E), is deploying converged packet optical platforms and software from Ciena, for programmable 100G Optical Transport Network (OTN) switching. NORDUnet, which operates an optical transmission system throughout Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Germany, Holland and the UK, will use the network update to provide improved...

Crehan Research: 10 Gigabit Server Networking Market Surges

Following some recent softness, the 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) server networking market delivered impressive results in 1Q14, according to the latest server-class adapter & LOM/controller report from Crehan Research.The strong showing was even more noteworthy given that servers based on Intel's next-generation Grantley platform have not yet hit the market. "New server micro-architecture platforms, such as Grantley, tend to drive a positive...

Microsemi Intros Low-Noise, Chip Scale Atomic Clock

Microsemi Corporation introduced its Low Noise Chip Scale Atomic Clock (LN CSAC), which combines the best of oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) and standard CSAC technologies by employing an ultra-low power crystal oscillator within the control loop of the atomic clock to optimize Allan deviation and phase noise. Microsemi said its innovations in processing, packaging and manufacturing makes possible portable atomic clocks with leading-edge...

U.S. Courts Selects Level 3 for Nationwide Network

Level 3 Communications landed a multi-year contract with the United States Courts to provide network infrastructure and services to improve overall communications quality and management throughout the federal judicial system. Under the General Services Administration (GSA) Networx Enterprise contract, Level 3 will deliver direct connections to each of the designated sites via IP virtual private network (VPN), optical wavelength and Ethernet access...

u-blox acquires connectBlue for Wi-Fi + Bluetooth

Switzerland-based u-blox has acquired connectBlue AB, a supplier of industrial-grade short range radio modules including Bluetooth and 802.11 Wi-Fi, for SEK 185 million (CHF 25 million). The connectBlue modules are used to enable the last hundreds of meters of connectivity between equipment and the internet. connectBlue is based in Malmo, Sweden. "The Internet of Things requires end-to-end connectivity to allow powerful applications to manage mission-...