Tuesday, February 1, 2005

PCTEL VoIP Roaming Client for Wi-Fi, GSM

PCTEL released a VoIP-Enabled Roaming Client that enables users to initiate and receive calls using a single number on cellular and IP networks. The initial release operates over GSM and Wi-Fi networks. Later releases will incorporate CDMA standards. The VoIP client was developed in cooperation with a leading MobileVoIP infrastructure vendor. Key features of the Roaming Client VE include connection management, profile management, Wi-Fi HotSpot...

Navtel Releases SIP Discovery Tool

Navtel Communications announced the immediate availability of a "SIP Discovery" expert analysis tool. SIP Discovery is capable of measuring any device's load and message transfer/response latency over long periods of time, The tool can be used to determine and display each session's status and all analysis results can be exported to cross-platform file format. It is available on both Navtel's InterWatch platform and any Windows-based PC. http://www.navtelcom....

U.S. House Plans Hearings on Telecom Act of 96

The U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet is expected to hold the first of four telecom hearings next week on updating The Telecommunications Act of 1996. Congressman Fred Upton (R-Michigan), who heads the subcommittee, expects that a bill will be introduced following the hearings and that it will be brought to the House floor for a vote by summer.http://energycommerce.house.g...

Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium Starts Work

The Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC), an international collaborative forum created in September 2004 to advance a new vision of networking technology for governments and the military, has named a 17-member Advisory Council. The mission of the NCOIC is to accelerate interoperability in systems that serve military, homeland security, civil and commercial users. The group will work to identify the enabling technology approaches that enable the network-centric transformation of the U.S. Departments of Defense and Homeland Security,...

Cox to Extend Circuit Switched Telephony Contract with ARRIS

Cox Communications intends to continue to deploy ARRIS' Cornerstone Constant Bit Rate (CBR) telephony equipment. Cox also intent to utilize ARRIS Touchstone Embedded Multimedia Terminal Adapters (E-MTAs) as it transitions to VoIP in new and future VoIP markets. The companies have signed a letter of intent covering these two decisions. http://www.arrisi.com/In November 2004, Cox Communications announced the availability of Cox Digital Telephone in Southwest Louisiana, its fifth market where it is offering cable VoIP service and its 17th market...

BT Outsources HR Work to Accenture

BT awarded a 10-year, £306 million (US$575 million) business process outsourcing (BPO) and transformation contract to Accenture for human resource (HR) administration services. The contract significantly expands the geographic reach of services that Accenture has been providing to BT under a previous five-year contract. Accenture currently provides HR services to BT's 87,000 employees and 180,000 pensioners in the United Kingdom. Under the new contract, Accenture will provide services to those BT employees and pensioners, as well as to another...

Deutsche Telekom Launches Security Initiative

Deutsche Telekom is launching an initiative aimed at making all of its services more secure, said Kai-Uwe Ricke, Deutsche Telekom's Chairman, at a press event in Bonn. Among the actions promised are the following items: all T-Online e-mail boxes will be equipped with free and individual virus and spam protection; and T-Mobile will introduce a solution to protect cell phones and mobile computers from viruses. http://www.telekom...

Flarion Announces FLASH-OFDM Flexband

Flarion Technologies unveiled its "Flexband" architecture for the delivery of wireless, high-capacity, on-demand video, voice and data services. FLASH-OFDM Flexband is a mobile broadband packet-switched technology for mobile operators with either 1.25MHz or 5MHz licensed spectrum. Flexband leverages Flarion's BeaconTone technology, which maximizing data capacity and throughput for each individual subscriber. BeaconTone technology enables subscriber devices to continuously monitor in-band interference and instantaneously select the most optimal...

Global Crossing Launches International Wireless Services Exchange

Global Crossing announced the launch of a "Wireless Services Exchange", an extranet solution that provides mobile network operators with a mechanism for the international delivery of multiple services over a single direct interconnect. Wireless Services Exchange will be launched in multiple phases, with an initial introduction in the first half of 2005 delivering international mobile-to-mobile routing with caller line identity (CLI) and point-to-point video with differentiated billing. The second release, to be launched later in 2005, will include...

Bell Canada Reaches 1.8 million DSL. 1.5 Million Satellite Video Customers

Bell Canada reported continued subscriber growth in wireless, video and DSL for Q4 and full year 2004. For the year, the company added nearly one million new subscribers for its digital services. Some highlights: Bell Canada reported 2004 revenue of $19.2 billion, up 2.4% and EBITDA of $7.6 billion, an increase of 2.1% over the full year 2003. For the fourth quarter of 2004, the company reported revenue of $5.0 billion, up 3.5%, and EBITDA of $1.8 billion, down 0.9% when compared to the same period last year. Despite challenges presented by the...

Cortina Acquires Azanda Network Devices

Cortina Systems has acquired Azanda Network Devices. Financial terms were not disclosed. Cortina will offer its customers Azanda's traffic management and ATM SAR (Segmentation And Reassembly) products. Azanda's support and development team, which has moved into Cortina's new Sunnyvale headquarters and has been integrated into Cortina's team, will continue to support existing and future customers. Cortina's multiple product lines support SONET/SDH, POS/GFP, as well as RPR and Ethernet and are tailored to Routing, Transport and Enterprise applications....

Verizon Activates FTTP in Washington D.C. Suburbs

Verizon began offering its FiOS FTTP residential service in several suburban areas in Maryland and Virginia, including Chevy Chase View, Falls Church, Garrett Park, Glenmont, Kensington and Wheaton. The company is offering three classes of service with downstream (download) speeds of up to 5, 15 and 30 Mbps. The new Maryland network will also cover parts of Bethesda, Burtonsville, Cabin John, Cloverly, Colesville, Fairland, Forest Glen, Four Corners, Glenn Echo, Oakmont, Pooks Hill, Silver Spring, Spencerville and White Oak in Montgomery County....

iBasis Reports 16% Sequential Rise in VoIP Minutes of Use

Minutes of use on The iBasis Network in Q4 2004 rose to 1.5 billion, a 57% increase over the 955 million minutes carried in the fourth quarter 2003, and a 16% increase over the 1.3 billion minutes in the third quarter 2004. For the full year 2004, iBasis completed 4.9 billion minutes of international VoIP calls, which is more than 16% of all international VoIP minutes, according to forecasts from Telegeography 2005. Average revenue per minute declined to 5.0 cents per minute in the fourth quarter 2004, down from 5.5 cents per minute in the third...

ECI Telecom Reports Sixth Consecutive Quarter of Revenue Growth

ECI Telecom reported Q4 2004 revenue of $140 million, a 36% increase from $103 million in the fourth quarter of 2003 and $128 million in the third quarter of 2004. Net profit for the quarter reached $8.9 million, or $0.08 per share on a fully diluted basis, compared with a net loss of $13.6 million, or $0.13 per share, for the fourth quarter of 2003 and net profit of $6 million, or $0.05 per share, in the third quarter of 2004. This quarter represents the sixth consecutive quarter of increased revenues for the company. Some highlights:Revenues...

T-Systems Signs Deal with New Edge Networks

T-Systems North America has selected New Edge Networks' nationwide broadband access solutions and services to expand its global IP VPN solution. New Edge Networks will provide T-Systems North America, a division of Deutsche Telekom, with nationwide Frame Relay over DSL and xDSL broadband access services, enabling broadband access into T-Systems' global network platform. New Edge Networks' core and extended DSL coverage spans about 9,000 telephone company central office locations that are equipped for DSL service across the U.S. http://www.newedgenetworks.com...

India's RailTel Selects Juniper for Nationwide IP/MPLS

India's RailTel Corporation selected Juniper Networks' M-series multiservice edge routing platform to help transform its nationwide TDM-based railway network into one of the country's largest IP/MPLS networks. RailTel operates a vast optical network currently comprised of 25,000 kilometers of cabling. RailTel plans to grow this infrastructure to 40,000 kilometers in the next three to four years. RailTel points of presence (POPs) will be available at every railway station (totaling approximately 4,000 POPs by 2008), providing secure Internet connections...

Veraz Launches Wireless Network Compression Solution

Veraz Networks launched a new Wireless Network Compression solution that allows wireless carriers to benefit from VoIP when they are required to transport calls over leased lines. The solution, based on Veraz's I-Gate 4000 PRO media gateways, provides voice compression as high as 12 to 1 over VoIP trunks. In addition to the high quality compression and echo cancellation, the Wireless Network Compression solution features silence suppression with superior Voice Activity Detection (VAD) and Comfort Noise Generation (CNG), and intelligent packet...

Enterasys Gear Deployed by USAF

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Patrick Air Force Base in Florida have completed a large-scale deployment of Enterasys Networks' gear as part of the Air Force's Combat Information Transport System (CITS). The CITS program, which is managed out of Hanscom AFB in Massachusetts, is responsible for Air Force-wide communications upgrades. The bid process for the network infrastructure for the CITS program began in 2002, with a network design from General Dynamics. Overall, the Air Force purchased $3 million of Enterasys technology beginning in...

Circadiant Systems Appoints My Chung as CEO

Circadiant Systems, a supplier of optical testing equipment, named My Chung as president and CEO. John French, co-founder and previous CEO, was named Executive Vice President. Chung previously served as Executive Director and Group President of Spirent Communications. Prior to joining Spirent, My spent 11 years at TTC (now Acterna) and, before that, Chung held various sales, systems engineering and account management positions within divisions of Hewlett-Packard which have become Agilent Technologies. http://www.circadiant....