Thursday, August 4, 2005

FCC Eliminates Mandated Line Sharing for DSL

The FCC voted 4-to-0 to eliminated the line sharing requirements on facilities-based wireline broadband Internet access service providers. The decision puts DSL operators on regulatory par with cable operators, who are not required to share their cable modem facilities with independent ISPs following the recent Supreme Court ruling in the Brand X case.Specifically, the FCC determined that wireline broadband Internet access services are defined as information services functionally integrated with a telecommunications component. In the past, the...

FCC Imposes CALEA on VoIP Providers Offering PSTN Interconnection

Responding to a petition from the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) , and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the FCC ruled that certain types of VoIP services must accommodate law enforcement wiretaps. The action was described as "the first critical step to apply CALEA obligations to new technologies and services that are increasingly used as a substitute for conventional services."The FCC reasoned that VoIP services which essentially replace conventional telecommunications services are subject to the Communications...

FCC Modifies 90 MHz AWS Spectrum Plan

The FCC modified the band plan, and licensing and service rules -- originally adopted in October 2003 -- for the 90 MHz of Advanced Wireless Service (AWS) spectrum at 1710-1755 MHz and 2110-2155 MHz. The original band plan for this spectrum adopted by the FCC in October 2003 included a mixture of license sizes and geographic areas in order to accommodate the needs of wireless providers of various sizes serving a range of different geographic areas. Today's Order maintains such a mixture but increases the amount of spectrum licensed on a small...

FCC Adopts Policy Statement on Broadband Internet Access

The FCC adopted a policy statement that outlines four principles to encourage broadband deployment and preserve and promote the open and interconnected nature of public Internet:(1) consumers are entitled to access the lawful Internet content of their choice(2) consumers are entitled to run applications and services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement; (3) consumers are entitled to connect their choice of legal devices that do not harm the network;(4) consumers are entitled to competition among network providers, application...

Shaw Signs VOD Deal with Paramount Pictures

Shaw Communications signed a Video On Demand agreement with Paramount Pictures, providing access to the Paramount film library to its customers across western Canada.

BellSouth and CWA Reach Settlement

BellSouth and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) have reached a five-year tentative agreement covering approximately 500 employees of BellSouth Internet Services. The previous contract was set to expire at midnight on Aug. 6, 2005."We are pleased that once again the company and CWA have been able to work together successfully to find solutions to the complex issues facing our business," said Dick Sibbernsen, vice president of Human Resources for BellSouth. "This agreement allows BellSouth to effectively compete in the marketplace and continue...

Industry Reaction to FCC DSL Ruling

Verizon: "This is an important step toward a national broadband policy that allows consumers to enjoy the full benefits of competition. At last, regulations are catching up to where consumers and technology have been for some time. This decision will help accelerate deployment of broadband networks, enabling greater choice and increased access for consumers." Susanne A. Guyer, Verizon senior vice president for federal regulatory affairsEarthlink: "Today's FCC ruling effectively preserves DSL access for the next year. Beyond that, we are confident...