Blue Coat Systems introduced a carrier caching platform aimed at cutting international and mobile backhaul bandwidth consumption.

The Blue Coat CacheFlow Appliance 5000 Series helps scale service delivery to meet the burgeoning subscriber demand for online video, large file downloads and other Web 2.0 rich media content. The appliance uses advanced, purpose-built caching technology to address Web 2.0 content, large files and rich media, including video. This content traditionally has been difficult to cache due to its large size and dynamic nature. For example, CacheFlow appliances can cache and deliver content served from dynamically generated URLs, including content previously believed to be non-cacheable. In addition, the CacheFlow appliance validates content freshness before serving it to the subscriber, maintaining consistency with the origin server.
The CacheFlow appliance also uses a new Blue Coat "CachePulse" service to obtain automatic, network-based updates. This cloud-based service provides rules and instructions designed to fine-tune CacheFlow 5000 appliances to better address the changing Web and deliver consistent bandwidth savings.
The CacheFlow 5000 appliance features 1 Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces nd can scale to meet multi-gigabit demands through the use of a clustered caching farm. The appliances have been validated withLayer 4-7 load balancing switches, including those from Brocade, Radware, A10 Networks and others.