Converge! Network Digest publishes articles from across the industry in our ongoing Blueprint Network Architecture series. These articles provide insights on how new infrastructure is being deployed, how new technologies are changing the network, and how the big traffic trends are transforming the market.
We are pleased to announce the following Top Blueprint articles for 2014, based on overall impact to network architecture and interest from our readers.
If you have an idea for a Blueprint article, please see our editorial guidelines.
We are pleased to announce the following Top Blueprint articles for 2014, based on overall impact to network architecture and interest from our readers.
Blueprint: Distributed and Virtualized Data Center Architecture
by Vinay Rathore, Sr. Director Solutions Marketing, Infinera
While there has been a strong trend toward creating bigger and more powerful centralized data centers to meet end user needs, there has been another less notable trend toward pushing the data center closer to the end users for the same reasons. Large data centers create efficiency through a centralized location that accommodates equipment that shares centralized resources (UPS, generators,...
Blueprint: The Rise of the Virtualized Network
As consumer’s bandwidth demands and quality experience expectations are increasing, service providers’ operational expenditures (OpEx) also are growing at an average rate of 11 percent each year. To address the needs of end-users and provide new, more lucrative services, operators are increasingly looking at adopting several new technology innovations to reduce their OpEx and improve their bottom line – virtualizing many of their network functions is one of such innovation. READ MORE
Blueprint: The Ethernet of Things
By Nicholas Ilyadis
VP & CTO, Infrastructure & Networking Group, Broadcom Corporation
VP & CTO, Infrastructure & Networking Group, Broadcom Corporation
It’s hard to avoid the buzz these days about the Internet of Things (IoT), the next evolution of computing where the connections are made, not just between PCs and servers or across mobile devices but to billions of devices across the Internet. But all those devices – and more – generate and consume data that has to go somewhere. The networking industry is responding to this coming data deluge with innovations that are intended to move data quickly, efficiently and reliably. READ MORE
For 2015, we will be expanding our Blueprint series with more columns on more topics including 5G, Open Compute, OpenDayLight, OpenStack, IoT, VoLTE and software-defined everything.