Thursday, May 12, 2011

NTT Raises CAPEX Forecast for 2011

NTT is forecasting FY2011 CAPEX of 1,950.0 billion yen, representing an increase of 79.9 billion yen from FY2010. Increased spending is expected in FTTH -- 300 billion yen compared to 295 billion yen for last fiscal year. Spending at NTT DoCoMo will hit 705 billion yen, up from 668.5 billion yen for last year. CAPEX at NTT Communications is also expected to make a significant jump to 136.0 billion yen, up from 115.3 billion yen in FY 2010. The...

NTT Bolsters its Global Business Unit

In light of its recent strategic alliance and merger & acquisition activities, NTT will elevate the role of its Global Business Strategy Office. Under a new corporate structure, the department will now report directly to the president. NTT will also change the name of its department to Global Business Office.

NBN Co Selects Fujitsu Australia for $100M Contract

NBN Co has appointed Fujitsu Australia Limited as its prime alliance partner to deliver fibre infrastructure under a contract valued at over $100M for the first 12 months. Fujitsu will manage the design, construction and associated works for the deployment of fibre to new developments. The company was chosen because it has "the capacity and scale of operations to meet NBN Co's unique requirement for the deployment of fibre to a large number of...

Ericsson Forecast: Network Equipment Market Growing 3-5%

In an investor's briefing held last week in New York, Ericsson executive presented the following observations:The total telecom market based on operator OPEX and CAPEX in 2010 estimated to US$223 billion.The total network service provider equipment market in 2010 was an estimated to US$94 billion with an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) at 3-5% 2010-2013.Mobile networks market (excluding WiMax, site material and OSS) will have a compound...

DOCOMO Adds Two LTE Data Terminals

NTT DOCOMO unveiled its 2011 summer lineup of 24 new mobile devices for launch on or after May 20, including nine Android smartphones, plus a wide variety of feature phones compatible with DOCOMO's i-mode mobile Internet platform, as well as mobile Wi-Fi routers for DOCOMO's Xi (read "Crossy") LTE extra-high-speed service.The company said LTE service will expand to include Japan's six largest urban metropolises by July and other large cities including...

Singapore's M1 to Complete LTE Network in Q1 2012

Singapore-based M1 expects to complete the rollout of an LTE network island-wide by Q1 2012. Huawei has been awarded a five year contract, valued at S$280 million, to provide the turnkey LTE solution for M1. This will include installation of macro base stations, distributed base stations and Evolved Packet Core (EPC), for M1's island-wide next generation network. "We are building an advanced world class mobile network which will truly enhance...

Ericsson's Smart Services Router to Offer Multi-Application Blades, Caching

Ericsson's next generation Smart Services Router (SSR) is on-target for introduction later this year, said Georges Antoun, Head of Product Area IP & Broadband. The platform, which is being developed at Ericsson's Silicon Valley R&D center, will offer a capacity of 16 Tbps per system and feature 20 slots with 400 Gbps full-duplex capacity each.Ericsson's Smart Services Router is being designed to scale in several dimensions -- scalability...