Thursday, January 30, 2003

Broad Daylight Leverages VoiceGenie's VoiceXML Gateway and Speech Recognition

Broad Daylight, a customer relationship management (CRM) software developer, announced a self-service application that uses speech recognition technology provided by VoiceGenie's VoiceXML Gateway. The application enables customer to use voice commands over the telephone for accessing information from a technical support database. New questions asked of the system that are not contained in the knowledge base are routed to a customer service representative and the answer is e-mailed or faxed to the original caller.

Ericsson Conducts IPv6 Over 3G UMTS/WCDMA Demo

Ericsson conducted a demonstration of seamless, emergency mobile communications that combined IPv6, 3G (UMTS/WCDMA) and WLANs. The emergency system, called Guardian Angel, provides seamlessly communications and data (heart rate and blood pressure) for medical staff as a patient travels by ambulance. The information is transmitted via GSM/GPRS or UMTS/WCDMA. Once the ambulance reaches the hospital, the system can automatically switch over to an indoor WLAN hot spot. Data flows can use separate network interfaces in parallel. The demonstration...

ITU Adopts Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (PON) Standards

The ITU reached agreement on two new standards for Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (G-PONs). Both standards cover symmetrical and asymmetrical (upstream/downstream) systems. The new standards are: ITU Recommendation G.984.1, which describes the general characteristics of a gigabit-capable PON system such as architecture, bit rates, reach, signal transfer delay, split ratio protection and security. ITU Recommendation G.984.2, which describes a flexible optical fiber access network capable of supporting the bandwidth requirements of business...